Limitation of Actions in England and Wales

Limitation of Actions in England and Wales


:NT$ 18900 元
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Limitation of Actions in England and Wales provides the most comprehensive, insightful and up-to-date commentary on the limitation provisions and time limits that apply to all civil causes of action. It deals with all amendments to the 1980 Act, including those dealing with Latent Damage, Defective Products, Defamation and Arbitration, the Land Registration Act 2002 and the criminalisation of squatting by s.144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012. Also covered are the Foreign Limitation Periods Act, the Rome I & II Regulations, and time limits relating to claims in the areas of Human Rights law, Employment law, Competition law, Judicial Review and Public Procurement challenges. Limitation of Actions in England and Wales: Is written with the intention of answering limitation questions in a practical manner; Contains a Schedule of Limitation Periods for ease of reference; Includes reference to decisions of the courts of other common law jurisdictions where these are relevant; Analyses the law as it currently stands and areas where uncertainty remains or changes are possible. It includes an analysis of recent decisions of the Supreme Court, including: Decisions on the date of knowledge provisions (AB v. Ministry of Defence [2012] 2 WLR 643), Claims for refunds of overpaid taxes (Franked Investment Income Group Litigation [2012] 2 WLR 1149), Competition law time limits (BCL Old Co. Ltd. v. BASF plc. [2012] 1 WLR 2922); and Employment law claims (Birmingham City Council v. Abdulla [2012] UKSC 47). It also considers recent important decisions of the Court of Appeal in: Central Bank of Nigeria v Williams [2012] 3 All ER 579 (dishonest assistance) Page v. Hewetts Solicitors [2012] EWCA Civ 805 (mislaid court form) Green v. Eadie [2012] 2 Ch 363 (solicitor's negligence concerning a conveyance), and Legal Services Commission v Henthorn [2012] 2 All ER 439 (action to recover overpaid legal aid) It also covers recent important decisions of the High Court. Contents includes: Introduction and General; General Extensions to the Limitation Period; Contract, Unjust Enrichment and Tort; Real and Personal Property; Equity and Estates; Claims Arising Pursuant to Statute and Miscellaneous Statutory Limitation Provisions.


Martin Canny BCL (Int), LLM (Comm Law), Barrister-at-Law of King's Inns, Dublin and Middle Temple, London is a practising barrister with a chancery, commercial and common law practice. He is the author of the leading Irish textbook on the Limitation of Actions, which was published in 2010.







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