Step by Step 聽透BBC 語法突破(中級‧附光碟)(簡體書)

Step by Step 聽透BBC 語法突破(中級‧附光碟)(簡體書)


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Chapter 1 時事新聞眼

01 Saudi Arabia Gives Up Non-Permanent Seat on the UN Security Council
沙特拒絕安理會非常任理事國席位 / 2
02 Obama and Rouhani Spoke by Telephone
奧巴馬和魯哈尼進行電話交流 / 6
03 The Meeting Between President Obama and the New Iranian President Hasan Rouhani Is Off
奧巴馬總統與新伊朗總統魯哈尼的會面被取消 / 10
04 Chemical Weapon Crisis in Syria
敘利亞化學武器危機 / 14
05 Tokyo Will Host the 2020 Olympic Games
東京將舉辦2020年奧林匹克運動會 / 17
06 Obama’s Reform of National Surveillance Programs
奧巴馬對監視計劃進行改革 / 20
07 The Incidence of a Detention of David Miranda
拘留戴維?米蘭達事件 / 24
08 Election in Zimbabwe
津巴布韋大選 / 28
09 The Sit-in in Egypt
埃及民眾靜坐抗議 / 32
10 Edward Snowden Has Applied for Political Asylum
愛德華?斯諾登申請政治避難 / 36
11 The Meeting Between President Obama and His Chinese Counterpart Xi Jinping
美國總統奧巴馬和中國國家主席習近平舉行會談 / 40
12 Is It Time to Change Gun Law?
該是改變槍支法的時候了嗎? / 44
13 A Ceasefire Achieved by Israel and Palestine
巴以達成停火協議 / 48
14 The Harsh Campaign Between Obama and Romney
奧巴馬和羅姆尼間的激烈競選 / 52
15 Who Will Be the President of the US
誰將是下一任美國總統 / 56
16 General John Allen’s Anger
約翰?艾倫將軍的怒氣 / 60

Chapter 2 經濟聚焦點

01 An Effort to Solve Budget Crisis in the US
努力解決美國的預算危機 / 64
02 Spanghero Resumes Some of Its Activities
斯潘蓋羅公司恢復部分業務 / 68
03 New Regulations Issued by Central Banks
各國央行發布新規定 / 72
04 US Politicians Reach a Deal to Avoid the Fiscal Cliff
美國政界達成協議避免“財政懸崖” / 76
05 The American Economy Picked Up
美國經濟好轉 / 79
06 Jaguar Land Rover Joined with Chinese Company Chery
捷豹路虎與中國公司奇瑞合作 / 82
07 The European Central Bank’s New Program
歐洲央行的新舉措 / 85
08 News Conference Held by German and France
德法共同召開記者招待會 / 88
09 A Package Deal in Greek
希臘的一攬子協議 / 92

Chapter 3 生活廣角鏡

01 Developing Green Fingers
發展園藝才能 / 96
02 A Crazy Potato-Only Diet
不可思議的土豆減肥法 / 100
03 The “Five-a-day” Diet
“每日五份”的飲食 / 104
04 A Cycling Trip to China
騎自行車游中國 / 108
05 Celebrating the Chinese New Year in London
在倫敦過春節 / 112
06 The Danger of Banking by Telephone
電話銀行的危險性 / 116
07 The World’s Most Expensive Ham
世上最貴的火腿 / 120
08 British People Like Using Weather Language
英國人喜歡談論天氣 / 124
09 Dangerous Biscuits
危險的餅干 / 128
10 Swine Flu
豬流感 / 132

Chapter 4 社會大雜燴

01 Women and Tech
女性與科技 / 138
02 A Female Student Was Gang-raped in New Deli
在新德里一名女大學生遭輪奸 / 142
03 Till Next Year Us Do Part
定期婚姻 / 146
04 Internet Words Added to Dictionaries
網絡詞錄入字典 / 150
05 Be Late for School
上學遲到 / 154
06 Fancy Employee Perks
五花八門的雇員福利 / 158
07 Studying Abroad in Britain
留學英國 / 162
08 Nevertirees
永不退休的人 / 166
09 Somali Pirates Take Hostages
索馬里海盜扣押人質 / 170
10 How to Deal with Bullies
如何對付恃強凌弱者 / 174

Chapter 5 科技空間站

01 A Meteor Fell in Russia
一顆隕石降落在俄羅斯 / 180
02 Counter-terrorism by Unmanned Aircraft
無人戰機反恐 / 184
03 Neutrinos Has Turned Physics on Its Head
中微子徹底改變了物理學 / 188
04 A New Strain of Mosquito That’s Resistant to Malaria
抗瘧疾蚊子 / 192
05 A Mission of Mind
意志之旅 / 196
06 London’s New “Green” Red Buses
倫敦的新型紅色環保巴士 / 200
07 A Supersonic Car
超音速汽車 / 204
08 Monitoring the Infrasound of Elephants
監聽大象的次聲 / 208

Chapter 6 災難記憶時

01 Bush Fire in Australia
澳大利亞的叢林大火 / 214
02 The Terrorist Attack in Shopping Mall of Kenya
肯尼亞商場的恐怖襲擊 / 217
03 A Shooting Rampage Inside a US Navy Complex
美國海軍大樓的槍擊事件 / 221
04 A Train Derailed in Spain
西班牙火車出軌 / 225
05 A Terrorist Attack in London
倫敦的恐怖襲擊事件 / 228
06 Hurricane Sandy Is Coming
颶風桑迪來臨 / 232
07 Obama’s Word for People in Battered Area
奧巴馬對災區人民的承諾 / 236
08 Explosions in Boston
波士頓爆炸 / 240

Chapter 7 名人小故事

01 American Singer Lou Reed Died
美國歌手盧?里德去世 / 246
02 Mo Farah’s Petition
莫?法拉的請愿 / 250
03 The Birth of the Prince of Cambridge
劍橋王子的誕生 / 253
04 Tax Evasion Scandal
逃稅丑聞 / 256
05 Pope Benedict Resigned
本尼迪克特教皇請辭 / 260
06 Felix Baumgartner Has Made an Unprecedented Leap
費利克斯?鮑姆加特納史無前例的一跳 / 264
07 The Funeral of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini
主教卡洛?瑪麗亞?馬蒂尼的葬禮 / 268
08 The New President of France
法國新總統 / 271
09 Tony Hayward Has Come Under Ferocious Criticism
托尼?海沃德遭到激烈的批評 / 275
10 A Historic Love Letter Written to Anne Boleyn
一封寫給安妮?博林的歷史情書 / 279
11 Kate Winslet Got Divorced
凱特?溫絲萊特離婚 / 283


1 Saudi Arabia Gives Up Non-Permanent Seat on the UN Security Council

◆ 詞解新聞意 Key words
問: “聯合國安理會”英語怎么說?
答: the UN Security Council [e?] [ju:en] [sikju?r?ti] [kaunsl]


◆ 輕松聽新聞 Listening
A day after Saudi Arabia secure for the first time on non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council, the Saudi government has announced it will not take it up.
Its blame what it called double standards at the Security Council which it claims made it difficult to work towards peace. The Saudi government said it wanted reforms but gave no details. The country is previously raised alarm at what it sees as an international failure to act on Syria where it backs the rebels fighting President Assad. Jonathan Markus is our diplomatic
correspondent. I ask him to explain whats going on. "Well its very strange on the face of things Saudi Arabia is explaining its behavior by saying that they are criticizing the double standards that they say have made it hard for the world body—the UN Security Council to end conflicts and wars. Now clearly I am sure that is the reference to the Syrian crisis where clearly Saudis back the rebels very strongly. They are as frustrated I suppose as many countries are at the UN Security Council because of the divisions between Russia and the Western has not been able to make any diplomatic progress. But its a kind of curious in a sense that they want to give up the possibility of having a seat rather than perhaps, you know, sitting inside the body and making their concerns known there."

◆ 開心譯分鐘 Translation

◆ 核心詞匯連連記
secure v. 獲得
permanent adj. 永久的
council n. 理事會
blame v. 責備
reform n. 改革
previously adv. 以前的
failure n. 失敗
diplomatic adj. 外交的
behavior n. 行為
criticize v. 批評
conflict n. 沖突
frustrated adj. 挫敗的
curious adj. 好奇的
possibility n. 可能性

◆ 實用短語對對碰
①for the first time
②take up
③raise alarm
④go on
⑤on the face of
⑦because of
⑧make progress
⑨in a sense
⑩give up

◆ 語法練習 Practice
Part A Dictation
Its blame
Part B Multiple choice
1. A day after Saudi Arabia secure for the first time on non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council, the Saudi government has announced
it will not it .
A. take...after B. C. take...away D. take...up
2. Jonathan Markus is our diplomatic correspondent. I ask him to explain whats .
A. going through B. going on C. going off D. going over
3. But its a kind of curious in a sense that they want to the possibility of having a seat rather than perhaps, you know, sitting
inside the body and making their concerns known there.
A. give off B. give out C. give up D. give in

◆ 聽力點撥與解析
Part A
what it called double standards at the Security Council which it claims made it difficult to work towards peace
要聽懂這個句子,主要是要聽清其中主句和從句的關系,首先是what引導的賓語從句what it called double standards at the Security Council,然后是定語從句修飾前面的council,只要聽出了這兩個結構,整句話的意思就清楚了。

Part B
1. D 此題考查的是動詞短語的搭配。take...after“長得像”,“起飛”,take...away“帶走”,take...up“接受”。所以D是正確答案。
2. B 選項中4個短語的意思分別是going through“瀏覽檢查”,going on“發生”,going off“爆炸”,going over“復習”,因此最佳選項是B,表示解釋
3. C 這道題的4個選項的意思分別是give off“散發出”,give out“分發”,give up“放棄”,give in“屈服”。A,B,D的意思和后面的possibility不匹




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