Terrestrial Radiation Effects In Ulsi Devices And Electronic Systems

Terrestrial Radiation Effects In Ulsi Devices And Electronic Systems


:NT$ 8147 元
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A practical guide on how mathematical approaches can be used to analyze and control radiation effects in semiconductor devices within various environments

Covers faults in ULSI devices to failures in electronic systems caused by a wide variety of radiation fields, including electrons, alpha –rays, muons, gamma rays, neutrons and heavy ions. Readers will learn the environmental radiation features at the ground or avionics altitude. Readers will also learn how to make numerical models from physical insight and what kind of mathematical approaches should be implemented to analyze the radiation effects. A wide variety of mitigation techniques against soft-errors are reviewed and discussed.

The author shows how to model sophisticated radiation effects in condensed matter in order to quantify and control them. The book provides the reader with the knowledge on a wide variety of radiation fields and their effects on the electronic devices and systems. It explains how electronic systems including servers and routers are shut down due to environmental radiation. It also details how to quantify such effects by constructing physical models and numerical algorithms.

  • Presents faults and failures induced by wide variety of radiation fields including electrons, alpha –rays, muons, gamma rays, neutrons and heavy ions
  • Provides an understanding of how electronic systems are shut down due to environmental radiation by constructing physical models and numerical algorithms
  • Covers both terrestrial and avionic-level conditions
  • Logically presented with each chapter explaining the background physics to the topic followed by various modelling techniques, and chapter summary
  • Written by a widely-recognized authority in soft-errors in electronic devices
  • Companion Website offers source code samples

Ideal for researchers or post-graduates in nuclear and space radiation, semiconductor physics and electron devices, as well as other areas of applied physics modelling

Contents includes:-

  • Principle of Radiation Effects (Radiation Effects by Gamma-ray/Electrons (Beta ray)/Muons/Protons/Alpha-Particles/Heavy Ions/Low-Energy Neutrons)
  • Environmental Radiation Fields (Cosmic Rays from Galaxy Core and Sun/Radioisotopes in the Field)
  • Soft Errors in Semiconductor Memory Devices
  • Radiation Induced Failures in Electronic Components and Systems
  • Summary of Radiation Effects in Electronic Devices and Systems
  • Appendix ( Basic Knowledge of Visual Basic/Database handling by Visual Basic and SQL/Algorithms and sample codes)


Eishi, H. Ibe, Chief Researcher, Yokohama Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.

Dr.Eishi Hidefumi IBE received his Ph.D degree in Nuclear Engineering from Osaka University, Japan in 1985. His expertise covers a wide area of science, such as elementary particle/cosmic ray physics, nuclear /neutron physics, semiconductor physics, mathematics and computing technologies, ion-implantation/mixing and accelerator technologies, electro-chemistry, data-base handling, and BS/Auger/SEM/

Laser-beam micro analysis. He has authored more than 90 international technical papers and presentations including 22 invited contributions in the field of radiation effects.

Dr.Ibe was elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to analysis of soft-errors in memory devices in 2008.







優惠價:90 7332
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