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通過魯特茲專著的《學習Python(第5版上下)》這本操作手冊,你將獲得針對核心Python語言的一次全面而又深入的介紹。基於作者Mark Lutz的暢銷培訓課程,該第五版修訂本將可以幫助你快速使用Python編寫高效和高品質的代碼。無論你是程式設計新手還是精通其他語言的有經驗的開發人員,這本書都適合於你。 通過小測驗、練習和有效的講解,這本易於遵循、自學的教程可以讓你上手Python 2.7和Python 3.3——3.x和2.x產品線上的最新發佈版本一一以及目前其他常見的版本。你也將學到一些最近在Python代碼中越來越常見的高階語言特性。
Mark Lutz是世界級的Python培訓講師。他是最早和最暢銷Python書籍的作者。從1992年起,他就是Python社區的先鋒。Mark擁有30年的軟體發展經驗,他是0’Re川y出版社的《Python程式設計》(第四版)和《Python Pocket Reference》(第四版)的作者。
Part I.Getting Started
1.A PythonQ&ASession
Why D0 People Use Python?
Software Quality
Developer Productivity
Is Python a“Scripting Language”?
OK.but What’S the Downside?
Who Uses Python Today?
What Can I Do with Python?
Systems Programming
Internet Scripting
Component Integration
Database Programming
Rapid Prototyping
Numeric and Scientific Programming
And More:Gaming,Images,Data Mining,Robots,Excel
How Is Python Developed and Supported?
0pen Source Tradeoffs
What Are Python’S Technical Strengths?
It’S Object—Oriented and Functional
It’S Free
It’S Portable
It’S Powerful
It’S Mixable
It’S Relatively Easy to Use
It's Relatively Easy tO Learn
It’S Named After Monty Python
How Does Python Stack Up to Language X?
Chapter Summary
Test Your Knowledge:Quiz
Test Your Knowledge:Answers
2.HowPython RunsPrograms
Introducing the Python Interpreter
Program Execution
The Programmer’S View
Python’S View
Execution Model Variations
Python Implementation Alternatives
Execution Optimization Tools
Frozen Binaries
Future Possibilities7
Chapter Summary
Test Your Knowledge:Quiz
Test Your Knowledge:Answers
3.HowYou Run Programs
The Interactive Prompt
Starting an Interactive Session
The System Path
New Windows 0ptions in 3.3:PATH.Launcher
Where to Run:Code Directories
What NOt tO Type:Prompts and Comments
Running Code Interactively
Why the Interactive Prompt?
Usage Notes:The Interactive Prompt
System Command Lines and Files
AFirst Script
Running Files with Command Lines
Command.Line Usage Variations
Usage Notes:Command Lines and Files
Unix—Style Executable Scripts:#!
Unix Script Basics
The Unix env Lookup Trick
The Python 3.3 Windows Launcher:#!Comes to Windows
Clicking File Icons
Icon—Click Basics
Clicking Icons on Windows
The input Trick on Windows
Other Icon.Click Limitations
Module Imports and Reloads
Import and Reload Basics
The Grander Module Story:Attributes
Usage Notes:import and reload
Using exec to Run Module Files
The IDLE User Interface
IDLE Startup Details
IDLE Basic Usage
IDLE Usability Features
Advanced IDLE Tools
Usage Notes:IDLE
Other IDEs
Other Launch Options
Embedding Calls
Frozen Binary Executables
Text Editor Launch Options
Still Other Launch 0ptions
Future Possibilities?
Which 0ption Should I Use?
Chapter Summary
Test Your Knowledge:Quiz
Test Your Knowledge:Answers
Test Your Knowledge:Part I Exercises
Part II.Types and Operations
Part III.Statements and Syntax
Part IV.Functions and Generators
Part V.Modules and Packages
Part VI.Classes and OOP
Part VII.Exceptions and Tools
Part VIII.Advanced Topics
Part IX.Appendixes
1.A PythonQ&ASession
Why D0 People Use Python?
Software Quality
Developer Productivity
Is Python a“Scripting Language”?
OK.but What’S the Downside?
Who Uses Python Today?
What Can I Do with Python?
Systems Programming
Internet Scripting
Component Integration
Database Programming
Rapid Prototyping
Numeric and Scientific Programming
And More:Gaming,Images,Data Mining,Robots,Excel
How Is Python Developed and Supported?
0pen Source Tradeoffs
What Are Python’S Technical Strengths?
It’S Object—Oriented and Functional
It’S Free
It’S Portable
It’S Powerful
It’S Mixable
It’S Relatively Easy to Use
It's Relatively Easy tO Learn
It’S Named After Monty Python
How Does Python Stack Up to Language X?
Chapter Summary
Test Your Knowledge:Quiz
Test Your Knowledge:Answers
2.HowPython RunsPrograms
Introducing the Python Interpreter
Program Execution
The Programmer’S View
Python’S View
Execution Model Variations
Python Implementation Alternatives
Execution Optimization Tools
Frozen Binaries
Future Possibilities7
Chapter Summary
Test Your Knowledge:Quiz
Test Your Knowledge:Answers
3.HowYou Run Programs
The Interactive Prompt
Starting an Interactive Session
The System Path
New Windows 0ptions in 3.3:PATH.Launcher
Where to Run:Code Directories
What NOt tO Type:Prompts and Comments
Running Code Interactively
Why the Interactive Prompt?
Usage Notes:The Interactive Prompt
System Command Lines and Files
AFirst Script
Running Files with Command Lines
Command.Line Usage Variations
Usage Notes:Command Lines and Files
Unix—Style Executable Scripts:#!
Unix Script Basics
The Unix env Lookup Trick
The Python 3.3 Windows Launcher:#!Comes to Windows
Clicking File Icons
Icon—Click Basics
Clicking Icons on Windows
The input Trick on Windows
Other Icon.Click Limitations
Module Imports and Reloads
Import and Reload Basics
The Grander Module Story:Attributes
Usage Notes:import and reload
Using exec to Run Module Files
The IDLE User Interface
IDLE Startup Details
IDLE Basic Usage
IDLE Usability Features
Advanced IDLE Tools
Usage Notes:IDLE
Other IDEs
Other Launch Options
Embedding Calls
Frozen Binary Executables
Text Editor Launch Options
Still Other Launch 0ptions
Future Possibilities?
Which 0ption Should I Use?
Chapter Summary
Test Your Knowledge:Quiz
Test Your Knowledge:Answers
Test Your Knowledge:Part I Exercises
Part II.Types and Operations
Part III.Statements and Syntax
Part IV.Functions and Generators
Part V.Modules and Packages
Part VI.Classes and OOP
Part VII.Exceptions and Tools
Part VIII.Advanced Topics
Part IX.Appendixes
Python 2.x coverage here has been updated to include features such as dictionary and set comprehensions that were formerly for 3.X only, but have been back-ported for use in 2.7.
Python 3.x coverage has been augmented for new yield and raise syntax; the
__pycache_ bytecode model; 3.3 namespace packages; PyDoc's all-browser
mode; Unicode literal and storage changes; and the new Windows launcher shipped with 3.3.
Assorted new or expanded coverage for JSON, timeit, PyPy, os.popen, generators, recursion, weak references,_mro_,_iter_, super,_slots_, metaclasses, descriptors, random. Sphinx, and more has been added, along with a general increase in 2.x compatibihty in both examples and narrative.
This edition also adds a new conclusion as Chapter 41 (on Python's evolution), two new appendixes (on recent Python changes and the new Windows launcher), and one new chapter (on benchmarking: an expanded version of the former code timing example). See Appendix C for a concise summary of Python changes between the prior edition and this one, as well as links to their coverage in the book. This appendix also summarizes initial differences between 2.X and 3.X in general that were first addressed in the prior edition, though some, such as new-style classes, span versions and simply become mandated in 3.X (more on what the X's mean in a moment).
Per the last bullet in the preceding list, this edition has also experienced some growth because it gives fuller coverage to more advanced language features-which many of us have tried very hard to ignore as optional for the last decade, but which have now grown more common in Python code. As we'll see, these tools make Python more powerful, but also raise the bar for newcomers, and may shift Python's scope and definition. Because you might encounter any of these, this book covers them head-on, instead of pretending they do not exist.
Despite the updates, this edition retains most of the structure and content of the prior edition, and is still designed to be a comprehensive learning resource for both the 2.X and 3.x Python lines. While it is primarily focused on users of Python 3.3 and 2.7-the latest in the 3.X line and the likely last in the 2.X line-its historical perspective also makes it relevant to older Pythons that still see regular use today.
Though it's impossible to predict the future, this book stresses fundamentals that have been valid for nearly two decades, and will likely apply to future Pythons too. As usual, I'll be posting Python updates that impact this book at the book's website described ahead. The "What's New" documents in Python's manuals set can also serve to fill in the gaps as Python surely evolves after this book is published.
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