Evilution ― The Battle for Global Dominance

Evilution ― The Battle for Global Dominance


:NT$ 521 元
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'Evilution: the battle for worldwide dominance' is the first work by new author James Ramsay Paul. It is a science-fiction story set in the future, 2125 AD to be exact. The plot revolves around a war between an evil empire of genetically-engineered 'genomes' as they are known and a group of resistance fighters made up of natural humans who oppose this empire. The resistance fighters give themselves the name 'Team GS' using the initials of their founding leader, ex-government official Gert Stommelen. They flee the genome-controlled USA and set up their headquarters on a remote atoll in the Pacific Ocean which was formerly a U.S. military base. It is housed in an extinct volcano with a retractable cover which they believe will conceal their location from the prying eyes of the genomes. The genomes meanwhile have extended their empire the world over under the guise of Genome Incorporated. This is basically a multi-national company which has grown to usurp every government on the planet. The President of Genome Inc, Vincent Landzaat, who is better known as the 'Dark Lord' by genomes and resistance fighters alike, is an evil sadist who wants to annihilate anyone who gets in the way of Genome Inc's complete global domination for what he sees as eternity. The DNA-altering technology will be developed, he believes, to the level that the genomes can be created immortal. This means that the remaining natural humans on earth would be subservient to the genomes, and then all die off, leaving only the genomes to populate the entire world. Team GS may be vastly outnumbered and have relatively meagre resources compared to the genomes, but what they lack in manpower they more than make up for in spirit and ingenuity. This is bolstered by the addition of a charismatic and somewhat mysterious President by the name of Trenton Boedell, and an inspirational, hardworking and popular supreme military commander, David Williams. These key players lock horns on several occasions to determine the destiny of the human race. The burning question is can the underdog Team GS possibly dare to take on the might of Genome Inc and win? Drawing inspiration from the science fiction works of such authors as Isaac Asimov, Philip K Dick and C.S.Lewis, 'Evilution' offers a prophetic glimpse of what could happen if DNA alteration technology fell into evil hands and was proliferated. The action sets off at a blistering pace which is maintained throughout until the explosive climax which promises a gripping reading experience.







定價:100 521



