Communities in Fiction

Communities in Fiction


:NT$ 1980 元
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Communities in Fiction reads in detail six novels or stories (one each by Trollope, Hardy, Conrad, Woolf, Pynchon, and Cervantes) in the light of theories of community worked out (contradictorily) by Raymond Williams, Martin Heidegger, and Jean-Luc Nancy for communities in the real world. Communities in Fiction's topic is the question of how communities or non-communities are represented in fictional works. Such fictional communities help the reader understand real communities, including those in which the reader lives. As against the presumption that the trajectory in literature from Victorian to Modern to Postmodern is the story of a gradual loss of belief in the possibility of community, this book demonstrates that communities have always been presented in fictions as precarious and fractured. Moreover, the juxtaposition of Pynchon and Cervantes in the last chapter is in part a demonstration that period characterizations are never to be trusted. All the features both thematic and formal that recent critics and theorists such as Fredric Jameson and many others have found to characterize postmodern fiction are already present in Cervantes's wonderful early seventeenth-century "exemplary tale," "The Dogs' Colloquy." All the themes and narrative devices of Western fiction from the beginning of the print era to the present were there at the beginning, in Cervantes. Most of all, however, Communities in Fiction looks in detail at its six fictions, with entire allegiance to their texts, to see just what they say, what stories they tell, and what narratological and rhetorical devices they use to say what they do say and to tell the stories they do tell. This book attempts to communicate to its readers the joy of reading these works and to argue for the exemplary insight they provide into what Heidegger called "Mitsein," being together in communities that are always problematic and unstable.


J. Hillis Miller is UCI Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of California at Irvine. Esarlier her taught at The Johns Hopkins University, and then at Yale. He has published many books and essays on 19th and 20th-century literature and on literary theory. His recent books include For Derrida (Fordham, 2009), The Medium is the Maker: Browning, Freud, Derrida, and the New Telepathic Ecotechnologies (Sussex Academic Press, 2009), and The Conflagration of Community: Fiction Before and After Auschwitz (Chicago: 2011). A book co-authored with Claire Colebrook and Tom Cohen, Theory and the Disappearing Future: On de Man On Benjamin, was published by Routledge in 2011, and his Reading for Our Time: Adam Bede and Middlemarch appeared from Edinburgh UP in March 2012. Miller is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the American Philosophical Society. He received the Modern Language Association Lifetime Scholarly Achievement Award in 2005 and was in 1986 President of the MLA.







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