:NT$ 6750 元
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This comprehensive book approaches sustainability from two directions – the reduction of pollution and the maintaining of existing resources – both of which are addressed in a thorough examination of the main chemical processes and their impact.

Divided into five sections, each introduced by a leading expert in the field, the book takes the reader through the various types of chemical processes, demonstrating how we must find ways to lower the environmental cost (of both pollution and contributions to climate change) of producing chemicals. Each section consists of several chapters, presenting the latest facts and opinion on the methodologies being adopted by the chemical industry to provide a more sustainable future.

A follow-up to Materials for a Sustainable Future (Royal Society of Chemistry 2012), this book will appeal to the same broad readership - industrialists and investors; policy makers in local and central governments; students, teachers, scientists and engineers working in the field; and finally editors, journalists and the general public who need information on the increasingly popular concepts of sustainable living.


Professor Trevor M. Letcher is Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He is a past-Director of the International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics and his research involves the thermodynamics of liquid mixtures and energy from landfill. He has published over 250 publications in peer review journals and edited and co-edited 8 books in his research fields. His latest edited and co-edited books are: Heat Capacities (2010), Climate Change (2009) and Waste (2011).

Janet Scott is the co-ordinator of the University of Bath Doctoral Training Centre in Sustainable Chemical Technologies and a Senior Research Fellow. She has held lectureships at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (1992-1995, concurrently with her PhD studies) and Monash University, Australia where she was also the Deputy Director of the ARC funded Centre for Green Chemistry. She has also held positions in industry as R&D Manager, Fine Chemicals Corporation, South Africa and as Marie Curie Senior Transfer of Knowledge Fellow held at Unilever R&D, Port Sunlight, UK, followed by a period as Director of a consulting company (continuing). She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a previous recipient of the Royal Australian Chemical Society's Green Chemistry prize.

Dr Darrell Alec Patterson is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) and the Director of Research in Chemical Engineering. Darrell leads the Bath Process Intensification Laboratory and the University of Bath Membrane Science and Engineering Research Cluster. He is also a member of the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies. Darrell's research is in the area of Sustainable Chemical Technologies, with a focus on Process Intensification in Separation and Reaction Engineering.







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