10 Fundraising Ideas & Strategies ― Fundraising Strategies to Raise Money for Your Business

10 Fundraising Ideas & Strategies ― Fundraising Strategies to Raise Money for Your Business


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This is a relatively short, but very powerful book full of fundraising ideas and insights on how to raise money. Most entrepreneurs struggle when it comes to raising money. Over time I have accumulated different practical strategies for how to raise money for a business, and I explain all of them in this book. This book evolved out of my business coaching practice and my business apps I created. The apps have over 500,000 downloads across iOS and Android by entrepreneurs just like you. As entrepreneurs kept asking how to raise money for their business, I kept researching new ways to raise money. In this book I compiled 10 great ways to raise money for almost any business or nonprofit organization. Not all the fundraising strategies outlined in this book will work for everyone. But many of the strategies should be very possible for most businesses. Additionally, this book goes beyond fundraising strategies. It also covers fundamentals of how much money you need to raise, and helps you understand the fundraising ecosystem, and what various strategies can mean for your business. HOW MUCH MONEY YOU NEED TO RAISE Before the book starts suggesting specific strategies, you must first understand how much money you need to raise for your business. The book explains how to calculate how much money you will need to raise so that you can structure your fundraising plans to reach your goals. STANDARD FUNDRAISING IDEAS First, I cover some common fundraising strategies like how to raise money by getting loans, grants, investments and donations. These four broad strategies are common, but most entrepreneurs don’t know enough about how to get the most out of these strategies. Additionally, while people have been raising money by getting donations for a long time, there is a relatively new way to raise donations, and that is a method called crowdfunding. I explain crowdfunding strategies in the book, and give a number of tips for how to get the most out of it for your business, and what you can realistically expect.CREATIVE FUNDRAISING IDEAS Once you explore the standard ways to raise money, the book presents you with a number of creative fundraising strategies where you should use your creativity and resourcefulness to get the funds you need. I sincerely hope this collection of fundraising strategies helps you and I wish you the best of luck with your business. In addition to that, since it is difficult to raise money, the book also covers how to start your business cheaply so that you don't actually need to have as much cash to start your business as you think.







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