Planetary Modernisms ─ Provocations on Modernity Across Time
系列名:Modernist Latitudes
出版社:Columbia Univ Pr
作者:Susan Stanford Friedman
規格:24.3cm*16.5cm*3.8cm (高/寬/厚)
Drawing on a vast archive of world history, anthropology, geography, cultural theory, postcolonial studies, gender studies, literature, and art, Susan Stanford Friedman recasts modernity as a networked, circulating, and recurrent phenomenon producing multiple aesthetic innovations across millennia. Considering cosmopolitan as well as nomadic and oceanic worlds, she radically revises the scope of modernist critique and opens the practice to more integrated study.
Friedman moves from large-scale instances of pre-1500 modernities, such as Tang Dynasty China and the Mongol Empire, to small-scale instances of modernisms, including the poetry of Du Fu and Kabir and Abbasid ceramic art. She maps the interconnected modernisms of the long twentieth century, pairing Joseph Conrad with Tayeb Salih, E. M. Forster with Arundhati Roy, Virginia Woolf with the Tagores, and Aime Cesaire with Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. She reads postcolonial works from Sudan and India and engages with the idea of Negritude. Rejecting the dominant modernist concepts of marginality, othering, and major/minor, Friedman instead favors rupture, mobility, speed, networks, and divergence, elevating the agencies and creative capacities of all cultures not only in the past and present but also in the century to come.
Susan Stanford Friedman is the Virginia Woolf Professor of English and Women's Studies, the Hilldale Professor of the Humanities, and director for the Institute for Research in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Recipient of the Wayne C. Book Award in Narrative Studies, she has published widely on modernism, narrative, feminism, migration/diaspora, world literature, and psychoanalysis. She is the author ofPsyche Reborn: The Emergence of H.D.; Penelope's Web: Gender, Modernity;H.D.'s Fiction; and Mappings: Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter, which won the Perkins Prize for Best Book in Narrative Studies. She has editedAnalyzing Freud: Letters of H.D., Bryher, and Their Circle and coedited Signets--Reading H.D.; Joyce: The Return of the Repressed; and Comparison: Theories, Approaches, Uses. Her work has been translated into Chinese, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Serbian, and Spanish.