Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff


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Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinafians and Staff presents and evaluates the available research and programs that address both animal and human behaviors associated with the intake, management, and rehoming of dog and cats. Written and edited by leading experts in shelter medicine, applied animal behavior, and shelter administration, it integrates knowledge from multiple disciplines and perspectives to provide a broad-based understanding of how behavior influences the welfare of dogs and cats before, during, and after they enter animal shelters.

Key features of the text include the following:

Introductions to dog and cat behavior relevant to any animal professional

Reviews behavioral reasons for the relinquishment of dogs and cats

Describes intake and assessment protocol, shelter design, training, and enrichment programs that reduce stress and enhance behavioral well-being

Concepts to improve the adoption process and support the human-animal bond postadoption.

The text includes information on how to help families retain pets in their homes, locate and return lost pets, make pet adoption a positive and enriching experience for all parties involved, and ensure that the placement is successful, making this a must-have resource for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and shelter professionals.

Emily Weiss, PhD, CAAB is Vice President of Shelter Research and Development for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, USA. She has been involved in shelter behavior for over 25 years. She has published numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts as well as book chapters and serves on advisory boards and committees of national shelter programs.

Heather Mohan-Gibbons, MS, RVT, ACAAB is the Director of Research and Applied Behavior for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Her current work focuses on improving the lives of animals and reducing their risks in communities. For the past twenty years, she worked professionally with exotic and domestic animals in veterinary clinics, universities, federal and state governments, animal shelters, and her own animal behavior business. She has lectured extensively on animal behavior and has published several peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters.

Stephen Zawistowski, PhD, CAAB is Science Advisor of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, USA. He is a certified applied animal behaviorist and chaired the Animal Behavior Society's Board of Professional Certification from 1998 to 2007.


Emily Weiss, PhD, CAAB is Vice President of Shelter Research and Development for The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. She has been involved in shelter behavior for over 25 years. She has published numerous peer reviewed manuscripts as well as book chapters, and serves on advisory boards and committees of national shelter programs.

Heather Mohan-Gibbons, MS, RVT, ACAAB is the Director of Research and Applied Behavior for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Her current work focuses on improving the lives of animals and reducing their risks in communities. For the past twenty years, she worked professionally with exotic and domestic animals in veterinary clinics, universities, federal and state governments, animal shelters, and her own animal behavior business. She has lectured extensively on animal behavior and has published several peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters.

Stephen Zawistowski, PhD, CAAB is Science Advisor of The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He is a certified applied animal behaviorist and chaired the Animal Behavior Society’s Board of Professional Certification from 1998-2007. He co-edited Animal Shelter Medicine (with Lila Miller, 2004) and the second edition in 2013.







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