Adrenaline Dominance ― A Revolutionary Approach to Wellness
出版社:Blessingway Authors Serv
作者:Michael E. Platt
:NT$ 758 元絕版無法訂購
Adrenaline is a powerful hormone whose effects have been virtually ignored by the medical community, and Dr. Platt explains how this hormone might be a major underlying cause of many conditions currently considered incurable. Excess amounts of this powerful hormone have been proven to result in such disorders as ADHD, fibromyalgia, anger, depression, anxiety, interstitial cystitis, insomnia, RLS, bipolar disorders, PTSD, severe PMS, and more. Dr. Platt shows how these disorders can be controlled with diet and bio-identical progesterone, demonstrated to be safer and more beneficial than pharmaceutical progestins.He also discusses why we produce this “fight-or-flight” hormone even when we are not facing danger. Adrenaline Dominance presents a natural protocol for rapidly reducing excess adrenaline, and in most cases, this protocol allows patients to reassess their need for prescription medications, which, ironically, treats the symptoms rather than the root cause of the conditions. He shows readers the difference between treating the symptom and treating the root cause. From a recent book review: “In Adrenaline Dominance: A Revolutionary Approach to Wellness, author Michael E. Platt, M.D. draws upon his many years of experience and expertise to write an informed and informative work that is ideal for the non-specialist general reader wanting to better understand the role of hormones in restoring and maintaining good health. Dr. Platt not only covers how adrenaline works in the human body, but how to reduce excess adrenaline. This book is highly recommended for community library health & medicine collections, and will prove to be of particular value and interest to anyone dealing with diabetes, depression, IBS, weight problems, headaches, addictions, urinary problems, and so much more.” —Midwest Book Review, December 2014 “I'm very proud, and at the same time relieved, that we have doctors like Dr. Platt, truly interested in patients' complaints and devoted to preventive medicine.” —Dr. Luis Cesar Anzoategui, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazi “As a practicing orthopedic surgeon with immense interest in preventive medicine, I strongly recommend this book, [which] prompted me to fly from the other side of the globe to meet the author in person.” —Henry Suhendra, M.D., F.I.C.S., Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr. Platt has been board-certified in internal medicine and maintains a practice in Palm Desert, California. He is devoted to wellness and a preventive approach to illness, and is known nationally and internationally for his innovative approach to natural hormone replacement.