The South Pacific the Sea of Dreams ― Panama - Galapagos - French Polynesia - Tonga - Fiji - Vanuatu - Solomon Islands

The South Pacific the Sea of Dreams ― Panama - Galapagos - French Polynesia - Tonga - Fiji - Vanuatu - Solomon Islands


:NT$ 983 元
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In this fifth book of the Series, the intrepid sailors are seven years into their offshore adventure ready to tackle the long ocean passages of the fabled South Seas without crew. Highlights include crossing the Equator, the giant tortoises of Galapagos, landfall in rugged Marquesas, cruising legendary French Polynesia with its beautiful vahines and exotic hula-hula, tattooed men in outrigger canoes, spectacular atolls and lagoons, but also treacherous reefs and Mayday calls, corrupt officials, illness and dramatic rescue operations.In friendly Fiji, they experience theft and groundings; in festive Tonga, traditional song and dance and the King swimming around “Nor Siglar” anchored in his favourite bay. In remote Vanuatu and Solomon Islands, they witness everything from war dances in the buff to locals building outrigger canoes, help an injured native, survive a close encounter with a shark and trade with world-renowned carvers. They learn about Black Magic, coming-of-age rituals and pig killings with clubs, their many taboos, arranged marriages, bride prices and even some pigeon English. Leaving the South Pacific across the Coral Sea, Anne and Martin battle the toughest sail of their lives. At the peak of their careers, Anne Brevig and Martin Vennesland made the decision of their lives: they chose freedom and a highly uncertain future on the high seas instead of secure jobs and the safety and comfort of life ashore. In order to finance their dream, they sold their house and most of their belongings and moved onboard their 40-foot sailboat, “Nor Siglar”. She became their one and only home for 15 years. Neither imagined that they were going to spend 9 years on the 7 seas and sail more than 56,000 nautical miles around the world!Anne and Martin’s bluewater adventure was not about breaking any records. Its main focus was meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures - encounters that take on entirely different dimensions when sailing off the beaten track far away from the traditional tourist routes.Their 9-years on the 7 Seas circumnavigation onboard “Nor Siglar”, which is truly a once-in-a-lifetime adventure packed with drama and excitement, has been documented in books and magazine articles and is now available in the “Seven Seas Adventures Series”.The books in the Seven Seas Adventures Series are not just any old travelogues for adventurers. Rather, it is a collection of highlights from encounters with "ordinary" people from different cultures and backgrounds who live a life much different from what most of us are used to. Anne and Martin certainly learned that what we take for granted is an elusive dream for others. The books "answer" a multitude of questions posed by travellers in general as well as prospective offshore sailors.Read how they had survived serious dangers, break-ins and a dramatic grounding, escaped close encounters with pirates, witnessed life-saving bravery and enjoyed heart-warming personal meetings on all five continents.







定價:100 983



