Dreamtime Reading Cards ─ Connect With the Ancient Spirit and Nature of Australia
出版社:Trafalgar Square
作者:Laura Bowen
規格:19.7cm*13.3cm*2.5cm (高/寬/厚)
A set of cards for connecting with the ancient spirit and nature of Australia
Drawing on the ancient wisdom and spirit of Aboriginal Australia, Laura Bowen has created the Dreamtime Reading Cards using indigenous dot painting techniques. These beautiful cards are powerful meditations, showing you the world with a new pair of eyes and allowing you to connect with spirit. The 36 cards feature the flora and fauna and sacred spaces of land, water, and sky that reflect those that surround us, exist below us, and live above us. Each card contains spiritual meaning and personal messages and the accompanying book offers a detailed explanation to guide you in your understanding. Back in the beginning, in the Dreamtime when the earth was being created, there was spirit. Some of these spirits became a part of the landscape, some took on the shape of the Australian continent’s abundant flora and fauna, and some became man and woman—and it is from them that we are all descended.
Drawing on the ancient wisdom and spirit of Aboriginal Australia, Laura Bowen has created the Dreamtime Reading Cards using indigenous dot painting techniques. These beautiful cards are powerful meditations, showing you the world with a new pair of eyes and allowing you to connect with spirit. The 36 cards feature the flora and fauna and sacred spaces of land, water, and sky that reflect those that surround us, exist below us, and live above us. Each card contains spiritual meaning and personal messages and the accompanying book offers a detailed explanation to guide you in your understanding. Back in the beginning, in the Dreamtime when the earth was being created, there was spirit. Some of these spirits became a part of the landscape, some took on the shape of the Australian continent’s abundant flora and fauna, and some became man and woman—and it is from them that we are all descended.
Laura Bowen is an artist, writer, and nature lover. Her Aboriginal connections are to the Worimi/Biripai people of the Manning River area of New South Wales, Australia. Laura takes pride in her Aboriginal heritage and in all of the influences that are sewn into the tapestry that is her bloodline. She lives in the Bellingen valley on the mid-north coast of New South Wales Australia. "My dreaming is my past, my present and my future. It is the space where I can follow the threads of my personal bloodline, through all those who have come before me and who are still to come. It is the place within my heart where I feel the connection to the land I was born on and the creatures that inhabit my immediate environment. With this connection also comes a responsibility to care for and acknowledge the spirits of the land on which I live."