The Singing Irish ─ A History of the Notre Dame Glee Club

The Singing Irish ─ A History of the Notre Dame Glee Club


:NT$ 1750 元
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The year 1915 marks the beginning of an unbroken tradition of singing on campus by the Notre Dame Glee Club. On December 11 of that year, under the direction of Samuel Ward Perrott, the Club gave a performance at Washington Hall that symbolized a new and important direction for the all-male ensemble. For the past century, this choral organization has served as an ambassador for Our Lady’s university, delivering thrilling performances as one of the oldest glee clubs in the United States.

In The Singing Irish, Michael Alan Anderson brings to life the rich history and traditions of the Notre Dame Glee Club. Replete with over one hundred photographs, the stunning large-format book examines the early history of the ensemble before 1915, its robust membership, rehearsal and concert customs, and the contributions of its conductors through the decades. Anderson interviewed dozens of Glee Club alumni going back to the early 1950s to narrate the vibrant story of the group, while assembling a wealth of documents that detail the activities undertaken—and impressions made—by this extraordinary musical ensemble. The group’s famous appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show in the early 1950s marked the height of the Glee Club’s visibility; however, the ensemble continues to sell out national and international tours during fall and spring break, traveling to nearly every state in the United States and numerous countries in Europe, Asia, and Central America. Through its eclectic repertoire and polished singing, the Glee Club has achieved a lofty status among collegiate choral ensembles in the United States, beloved by students, members of the Notre Dame family, and friends and supporters of the university around the world. Combining the meaningful culture of Notre Dame with the highest standards of artistic excellence, The Singing Irish makes a wonderful keepsake for fans and alumni of the Notre Dame Glee Club as it enters its centennial year.

“One of the greatest assets we have here at Notre Dame is our Glee Club. Somehow, year in and year out, they come up with wonderful singers, great songs, and performances that are nothing short of fantastic. I don't know what we can do to thank the men for their long hours over the years that the Club puts into practicing for their performances. May I say that I am grateful for all of the wonderful performances of the Glee Club, not just here on campus but around the world. I have enjoyed many of their performances each year and I never cease to be edified by their spirit and wonderful presentation.” —Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C. (1917–2015), President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame


Michael Alan Anderson is associate professor of music at Eastman School of Music. He served as assistant conductor of the Notre Dame Glee Club from 1994 to 1997.







定價:100 1750



