Six-minute Solutions for Civil Pe Exam Geotechnical Depth Problems
出版社:Professional Pubns Inc
作者:Bruce A. Wolle
規格:21.6cm (高)
:NT$ 9420 元若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。
Targeted Training for Solving Civil PE Exam Geotechnical Depth Multiple-Choice Problems
Six-Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Geotechnical Depth Problems contains 102 multiple-choice problems that are grouped into ten chapters. Each chapter corresponds to a topic on the Civil PE exam geotechnical depth section. Problems are representative of the exam’s format, scope of topics, and level of difficulty. Like the PE exam, an average of six minutes is required to solve each problem in this book. Each problem also includes a hint that provides optional problem-solving guidance. Comprehensive step-by-step solutions for all problems demonstrate accurate and efficient solving approaches.
Six-Minute Solutions will help you to
‧ familiarize yourself with the exam scope
‧ connect relevant theory to exam-like problems
‧ identify accurate problem-solving approaches
‧ organize the codes and references you will use on exam day
Topics Covered
‧ Deep Foundations
‧ Earth Retaining Structures
‧ Earth Structures
‧ Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Loads
‧ Field Materials Testing, Methods, and Safety
‧ Groundwater and Seepage
‧ Problematic Soil and Rock Conditions
‧ Shallow Foundations
‧ Site Characterization
‧ Soil Mechanics, Lab Testing, and Analysis
Referenced Design Standards
‧ Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7)
‧ Safety and Health Regulations for Construction (OSHA 29 CFR Part 1926)
Six-Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Geotechnical Depth Problems contains 102 multiple-choice problems that are grouped into ten chapters. Each chapter corresponds to a topic on the Civil PE exam geotechnical depth section. Problems are representative of the exam’s format, scope of topics, and level of difficulty. Like the PE exam, an average of six minutes is required to solve each problem in this book. Each problem also includes a hint that provides optional problem-solving guidance. Comprehensive step-by-step solutions for all problems demonstrate accurate and efficient solving approaches.
Six-Minute Solutions will help you to
‧ familiarize yourself with the exam scope
‧ connect relevant theory to exam-like problems
‧ identify accurate problem-solving approaches
‧ organize the codes and references you will use on exam day
Topics Covered
‧ Deep Foundations
‧ Earth Retaining Structures
‧ Earth Structures
‧ Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Loads
‧ Field Materials Testing, Methods, and Safety
‧ Groundwater and Seepage
‧ Problematic Soil and Rock Conditions
‧ Shallow Foundations
‧ Site Characterization
‧ Soil Mechanics, Lab Testing, and Analysis
Referenced Design Standards
‧ Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7)
‧ Safety and Health Regulations for Construction (OSHA 29 CFR Part 1926)
Bruce A. Wolle, MSE, PE, a licensed engineer in 22 states, provides professional engineering services in geotechnical and materials engineering. For more than 25 years he has provided senior engineering supervision and management for projects in the fields of surveying, field explorations and drilling, seismic damage characterizations, design recommendations, and construction quality control/quality assurance in renewable energy development. Mr. Wolle has over 15 years of experience as a civil engineering review course supervisor, coordinator, and instructor. He holds a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from New Mexico State University and a master of science in engineering degree in civil engineering (geotechnical and seismic studies) from Arizona State University.