全書包括四章。第一章是托福口語考試概況,旨在幫助考生對整個托福口語考試有比較清晰的了解。第二章是獨立口語題目Task 1 & Task 2應答策略,從題型概況、答題模板、思路展開方法、各題型素材補充及題目解析等方面展開,并且整理了2012―2014年Task 1&Task 2熱門機經。第三章是校園場景題型Task 3 & Task 5應答策略,包括學生態度題Task 3和問題解決題Task 5。第四章是學術場景題型Task 4 & Task 6應答策略學術講座題Task 4 和學術總結題Task 6。
第1章 托福口語考試概況
第2章 獨立口語題目Task 1& Task 2應答策略
一、Task 1&Task 2題型概況
二、Task 1&Task 2答題模板
三、Task 1&Task 2思路展開方法
五、2012―2014年熱門機經Task 1&Task 2整理
第3章 校園場景題型Task 3 & Task 5應答策略
一、學生態度題Task 3
二、問題解決題Task 5
第4章 學術場景題型Task 4 & Task 6應答策略
一、學術講座題Task 4
二、學術總結題Task 6
第2章 獨立口語題目Task 1& Task 2應答策略
一、Task 1&Task 2題型概況
二、Task 1&Task 2答題模板
三、Task 1&Task 2思路展開方法
五、2012―2014年熱門機經Task 1&Task 2整理
第3章 校園場景題型Task 3 & Task 5應答策略
一、學生態度題Task 3
二、問題解決題Task 5
第4章 學術場景題型Task 4 & Task 6應答策略
一、學術講座題Task 4
二、學術總結題Task 6
1. Person題型素材補充及題目解析。
人物一直是托福口語考試的熱門話題,回顧歷年考試真題,不難發現,人物題型無非分為兩大類型: familiar people與celebrity。在描述人物時,最直觀的印象應該是人的外貌了,但是在歷年考試題目里,很少出現要求考生描述人物外形的題型,而且很少有考生能夠在考場上短時間內快速描述出一個有特點的人物外貌,所以外貌并不是最合適的題材。經過總結發現,大多數人物題型,我們都可以用人的personality來描述,也就是人物的性格特點,如果是familiar people的話,同學們應該對自己身邊的人都是比較熟悉的,可以按照自己的真實情況來整理答案;如果是celebrity的題型,那同學們在整理答案的時候,不要局限于某一個人,這樣只會限制住自己的思路,要把答案擴展到這一類人都共有的特點,這樣會更容易地想出合適的答案。下面以例題為證。
Please describe two singers you are familiar with, and what are their similarity and difference? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.
Personally, I’d like to talk about Chen Qizhen and Cui Jian, who both are famous singers in China. They are very popular among Chinese people, and their songs are so widely known that every time I go shopping in those big shopping malls or have dinner with my friends in some restaurant, I always can hear their songs played.
But they still have some differences, especially their music styles. Chen Qizhen mainly creates lyric songs, which reflect some understanding of life, or encourage people to chase dream, making people calm down and relax whey they feel upset; but, most of Cui Jian’s songs are rock & roll, with the electronic guitar and drum backing, his songs always cheer people up and make people full of energy.
Task 1&Task 2的答題時間只有45s,所以同學們在回答問題時,一定要重視時間的把握,合理分配答案結構。結合上文的答題模版,在以上示例答案中,Personally, I’d like to talk about Chen Qizhen and Cui Jian是主題句,第二句話who both are famous singers in China,是為了給評分人提供一些背景信息,告訴評分人所選取的人物的身份。They are very popular,表明這兩位歌手的相同點,用自己的例子來支持說明這兩位歌手是如何受歡迎會更有說服力。因為題目問的是相同點和不同點,用but表示轉折,來表示相同點和不同點的對比,舉例說明歌曲風格不同,并添加主觀感受,讓示例銜接自然。同學們在答題過程中盡量做到發音清晰洪亮,語氣銜接自然連貫。
在上一章節Task 1和Task 2的部分,我們介紹了獨立題型的答題模板,在Task 3到Task 6里,每道題目也有自己相應的答題模板。為了讓答案結構清晰有邏輯性,答題模板是必不可少的一個部分,所以我們來看一下在Task 3有哪些詞句可以構成答題模板。
① 轉述閱讀部分:通知的主要內容或者信件的提議,還有兩個原因都要簡要轉述。(20s)
通知類型:The school has implemented a new policy that… due to…and…
The university/college is going to…for two reasons. One reason is…and another reason is…
信件類型:The writer of the letter proposes...because…and…
The student in the letter suggests that… since…and…
② 轉述聽力部分:描述聽力文本中人物的觀點,逐點詳細說明原因。(40s)
And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement...
In the conversation, the woman cast doubt on the proposal...
The man in the conversation doesn’t like the decision...
The man/woman in the conversation disagrees...
He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about…
Firstly, he thinks/says…
As for the first problem...
Also/Secondly he points out that…
In addition, in his opinion...
③ 如果同學們轉述完閱讀部分和聽力部分內容,還剩余4~5s的時間,還可以加總結句,但是切記一定要保證閱讀部分和聽力部分的內容轉述完整準確。
So that’s why the woman dislikes the proposal.
Based on the above reasons, the man thinks it is a good idea to…
(2) 答題模板應用
計算機室紙張使用新規定(New Printing Rules in the Computer Lab)
大學將限定計算機室的紙張使用量(The university is planning to limit the usage of printing paper in the computer lab),規定每個月每名學生打印不得超出100份(fewer than 100 pieces each student per month)。因為現在有些學生總在抱怨有太多紙被浪費,而且打印機總是卡紙(because some students complain that too much paper is wasted and the printer often gets paper stuck in the machine)。通過此項新規定,就能節約大量紙張,而且能夠保證機器的正常運轉。
W: 你相信么?(Can you believe this?)計算機室居然要開始限制打印紙張的使用了!
M: 我聽說很多學生都在寫信抱怨計算機室浪費紙張的現象。
W: 哦,那只是他們不了解真正的問題出在哪(they just don’t see where the real problem is)。不是我們想浪費紙,至少不是故意的。是因為學生們不太清楚到底應該怎樣使用他們的學習材料(It is because students don’t have a clear sense as for how to make use of their learning material)。學生們從網上下載好學習資料后(downloading materials from the Internet),沒法分清哪些是有用的,哪些是沒用的,為了不錯過某些重要文件,只能全部打印了(In case they miss some important documents, they just print all documents out)。
M: 你說的對。學生們沒時間也沒能力即刻分清哪些資料需要打印,哪些不需要。但是,打印機在工作頻繁時,總是會卡紙。
W: 打印機出現故障是因為打印機太舊了(The malfunction of the printer is due to the fact that our printer is too old to work smoothly),如果能有一個新的打印機,肯定不會和現在一樣出現這么多故障。
The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
The university is going to limit the usage of paper in the computer lab. Because students are complaining that too much paper are wasted and the printer always get stuck with paper. But in the listening, the woman disagrees with the change. For the first reason, she thinks that students are not intentionally wasting paper. Because they cannot tell what study material is useful and what is not useful, they have to print all the material they download. Besides, she says that the printer always get stuck paper is caused by the bad condition of the printer, they are too old. So what the university needs to do is to change a new printer, which can solve the problem. Based on the above reasons, the woman disagrees with the announcement.
根據前面的筆記即文本分析,這道題目的閱讀部分屬于通知類型,畫線部分屬于答題模板,The university is going to limit the usage of paper in the computer lab表明閱讀部分的主要內容,because…and…引出閱讀部分的兩個原因;but表示轉折,引出聽力部分主角反對的態度,for the first reason和besides分別表示聽力里的兩個原因。從內容方面來講,students are not intentionally wasting paper和the printer always get stuck paper is caused by the bad condition of the printer這兩句話的作用是和前面閱讀部分的兩個原因分別建立對應關系,所以也是必不可少的。
1. Person題型素材補充及題目解析。
人物一直是托福口語考試的熱門話題,回顧歷年考試真題,不難發現,人物題型無非分為兩大類型: familiar people與celebrity。在描述人物時,最直觀的印象應該是人的外貌了,但是在歷年考試題目里,很少出現要求考生描述人物外形的題型,而且很少有考生能夠在考場上短時間內快速描述出一個有特點的人物外貌,所以外貌并不是最合適的題材。經過總結發現,大多數人物題型,我們都可以用人的personality來描述,也就是人物的性格特點,如果是familiar people的話,同學們應該對自己身邊的人都是比較熟悉的,可以按照自己的真實情況來整理答案;如果是celebrity的題型,那同學們在整理答案的時候,不要局限于某一個人,這樣只會限制住自己的思路,要把答案擴展到這一類人都共有的特點,這樣會更容易地想出合適的答案。下面以例題為證。
Please describe two singers you are familiar with, and what are their similarity and difference? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.
Personally, I’d like to talk about Chen Qizhen and Cui Jian, who both are famous singers in China. They are very popular among Chinese people, and their songs are so widely known that every time I go shopping in those big shopping malls or have dinner with my friends in some restaurant, I always can hear their songs played.
But they still have some differences, especially their music styles. Chen Qizhen mainly creates lyric songs, which reflect some understanding of life, or encourage people to chase dream, making people calm down and relax whey they feel upset; but, most of Cui Jian’s songs are rock & roll, with the electronic guitar and drum backing, his songs always cheer people up and make people full of energy.
Task 1&Task 2的答題時間只有45s,所以同學們在回答問題時,一定要重視時間的把握,合理分配答案結構。結合上文的答題模版,在以上示例答案中,Personally, I’d like to talk about Chen Qizhen and Cui Jian是主題句,第二句話who both are famous singers in China,是為了給評分人提供一些背景信息,告訴評分人所選取的人物的身份。They are very popular,表明這兩位歌手的相同點,用自己的例子來支持說明這兩位歌手是如何受歡迎會更有說服力。因為題目問的是相同點和不同點,用but表示轉折,來表示相同點和不同點的對比,舉例說明歌曲風格不同,并添加主觀感受,讓示例銜接自然。同學們在答題過程中盡量做到發音清晰洪亮,語氣銜接自然連貫。
在上一章節Task 1和Task 2的部分,我們介紹了獨立題型的答題模板,在Task 3到Task 6里,每道題目也有自己相應的答題模板。為了讓答案結構清晰有邏輯性,答題模板是必不可少的一個部分,所以我們來看一下在Task 3有哪些詞句可以構成答題模板。
① 轉述閱讀部分:通知的主要內容或者信件的提議,還有兩個原因都要簡要轉述。(20s)
通知類型:The school has implemented a new policy that… due to…and…
The university/college is going to…for two reasons. One reason is…and another reason is…
信件類型:The writer of the letter proposes...because…and…
The student in the letter suggests that… since…and…
② 轉述聽力部分:描述聽力文本中人物的觀點,逐點詳細說明原因。(40s)
And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement...
In the conversation, the woman cast doubt on the proposal...
The man in the conversation doesn’t like the decision...
The man/woman in the conversation disagrees...
He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about…
Firstly, he thinks/says…
As for the first problem...
Also/Secondly he points out that…
In addition, in his opinion...
③ 如果同學們轉述完閱讀部分和聽力部分內容,還剩余4~5s的時間,還可以加總結句,但是切記一定要保證閱讀部分和聽力部分的內容轉述完整準確。
So that’s why the woman dislikes the proposal.
Based on the above reasons, the man thinks it is a good idea to…
(2) 答題模板應用
計算機室紙張使用新規定(New Printing Rules in the Computer Lab)
大學將限定計算機室的紙張使用量(The university is planning to limit the usage of printing paper in the computer lab),規定每個月每名學生打印不得超出100份(fewer than 100 pieces each student per month)。因為現在有些學生總在抱怨有太多紙被浪費,而且打印機總是卡紙(because some students complain that too much paper is wasted and the printer often gets paper stuck in the machine)。通過此項新規定,就能節約大量紙張,而且能夠保證機器的正常運轉。
W: 你相信么?(Can you believe this?)計算機室居然要開始限制打印紙張的使用了!
M: 我聽說很多學生都在寫信抱怨計算機室浪費紙張的現象。
W: 哦,那只是他們不了解真正的問題出在哪(they just don’t see where the real problem is)。不是我們想浪費紙,至少不是故意的。是因為學生們不太清楚到底應該怎樣使用他們的學習材料(It is because students don’t have a clear sense as for how to make use of their learning material)。學生們從網上下載好學習資料后(downloading materials from the Internet),沒法分清哪些是有用的,哪些是沒用的,為了不錯過某些重要文件,只能全部打印了(In case they miss some important documents, they just print all documents out)。
M: 你說的對。學生們沒時間也沒能力即刻分清哪些資料需要打印,哪些不需要。但是,打印機在工作頻繁時,總是會卡紙。
W: 打印機出現故障是因為打印機太舊了(The malfunction of the printer is due to the fact that our printer is too old to work smoothly),如果能有一個新的打印機,肯定不會和現在一樣出現這么多故障。
The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
The university is going to limit the usage of paper in the computer lab. Because students are complaining that too much paper are wasted and the printer always get stuck with paper. But in the listening, the woman disagrees with the change. For the first reason, she thinks that students are not intentionally wasting paper. Because they cannot tell what study material is useful and what is not useful, they have to print all the material they download. Besides, she says that the printer always get stuck paper is caused by the bad condition of the printer, they are too old. So what the university needs to do is to change a new printer, which can solve the problem. Based on the above reasons, the woman disagrees with the announcement.
根據前面的筆記即文本分析,這道題目的閱讀部分屬于通知類型,畫線部分屬于答題模板,The university is going to limit the usage of paper in the computer lab表明閱讀部分的主要內容,because…and…引出閱讀部分的兩個原因;but表示轉折,引出聽力部分主角反對的態度,for the first reason和besides分別表示聽力里的兩個原因。從內容方面來講,students are not intentionally wasting paper和the printer always get stuck paper is caused by the bad condition of the printer這兩句話的作用是和前面閱讀部分的兩個原因分別建立對應關系,所以也是必不可少的。
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