Ethics and Governance in Sport ─ The Future of Sport Imagined

Ethics and Governance in Sport ─ The Future of Sport Imagined


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What is, or what should be, the function of sport in a globalized, commercialized world? Why does sport matter in the 21st century? InEthics and Governance in Sport: the future of sport imagined, an ensemble of leading international experts from across the fields of sport management and ethics calls for a new model of sport that goes beyond the traditional view that sport automatically encourages positive physical, psychological, social, moral and political values.

Acknowledging that sport is beset by poor practice, corruption, and harmful behaviors, it explores current issues in sport ethics, governance and development, considering how good governance and the positive potentials of sport can be implemented in a globalized sporting landscape. Ethics and Governance in Sport suggests a future model of sport governance based on well substantiated projections, and argues that identifying the root causes of harmful behavior, those things that are characteristic of sport, and engaging sport managers, policy makers and leaders of sport organizations, is essential if sport is to thrive.

The book’s interdisciplinary examination of sport, encompassing philosophy, sociology, economics, management and sport development, and its forward-looking approach makes it important reading for advanced students, researchers and policy makers with an interest in the place and development of modern sport. Its clear messages invite self-reflection and discussion, especially within sports organizations.


Yves Vanden Auweele is Professor (Em.) in Sport Psychology at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven, Belgium). Since 1980 he has taught psychology to physical education, psychology and medicine students. He has published on stress and abuses in sport, on psychology for physical educators and on sport for development. He was co-ordinator of the European Masters Program for Exercise and Sport Psychology, President of the Belgian Society of Sport Psychology, and member of the Managing Council of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC). He was also involved in a sport and development project (2002-2014) with the University of the Western Cape (South Africa). He is still an active member of the Cultural and Scientific Committee of Panathlon International and was senior author of the Panathlon Declaration of Ethics in Youth Sport

Elaine Cook is a doctoral candidate at the University of Toronto (Canada), and a member of the Panathlon Cultural and Scientific Committee (CSC). Her research explores coach behaviors, and interventions designed to influence coach behaviors in such a way that athletes flourish. Elaine is also a certified Solution-Focused Coach (CSFC).

Jim Parry was Head of the Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds, UK, and is now Visiting Professor at the Faculty of PE and Sport, Charles University in Prague. He has been International Professor of Olympic Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona 2003, University of Ghent, 2009, Gresham College, London, 2012, Russian International Olympic University, Sochi, 2013-15, and International Olympic Academy, Greece,1986-2015. He is co-author ofThe Olympic Games Explained, 2005, Sport and Spirituality, 2007, andOlympic Ethics and Values in Contemporary Society, 2012; and co-editor of Ethics and Sport, 1999, Theology, Ethics and Transcendence in Sport, 2010,An Introduction to the Phenomenological Study of Sport, 2012, Olympic Ethics and Philosophy, 2012, andFields of Vision - the Arts in Sport, 2014







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