Counseling Research ─ Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods

Counseling Research ─ Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods


:NT$ 10399 元
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Counseling students often refer to this best-selling book as the text that saved their lives—it makes the often-challenging topic of research exceptionally clear and approachable, while showing how it applies to the counseling profession. Used by over 100 counselor education graduate programs, Counseling Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods is written in a voice that students understand and presents the material in a manner that allows developmental growth with regard to comprehending counseling research. Recognizing that most counselors are consumers of research and that they have to understand how to integrate research findings into their practice, the authors cover all of the requisite concepts identified by CACREP, but also show how to apply those concepts to practice. The Second Edition is aligned with national standards in counseling and gives counseling students the opportunity to learn research design, methodology, and analysis through a counseling-specific framework, rather than simply in the context of education. Through counseling-specific examples students see how to apply their learning to other aspects of their training, and professors get a more straightforward means of making research understandable and relevant. Counseling Research also focuses not only on how to produce valid research, but also on how to competently read, analyze, and utilize others’ research. In addition to the requisite research materials, this new edition includes chapters on ethics in counseling research, a practical guide to data analysis, and relevant examples of multicultural issues in research infused throughout the text. New chapters on action research and qualitative case study are also included in this Second Edition.


Dr. Carl J. Sheperis serves as Chair of the Department of Counseling and Special Populations at Lamar University. He is a Past-President of the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling, Associate Editor for Quantitative Research for the Journal of Counseling and Development, and a Director for the National Board for Certified Counselors. Practice. In addition to this textbook Dr. Sheperis is an author of: Assessment Procedures for Helping Professionals, Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Fundamentals of Applied Practice, The Student Handbook for Online Counselor Education, and The Peace Train. He is also published in various textbooks, academic journals, and reference volumes. A frequent speaker and presenter at professional conferences and workshops, as well, Carl Sheperis has appeared at such recent events as the International Autism Conference, the American Counseling Association World Conference, the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, the National Assessment Conference, and the National Head Start Conference.

Scott Young, Ph.D., NCC, LPC is Professor and Chair of the Department of Counseling and Educational Development at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. His leadership in the field has included service as past-president of the Association for Spiritual Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling, as a member of the Governing Council and Executive Committee for the American Counseling Association. He has served as an editorial board member for numerous journals including the Journal of Counseling and Development, Counseling and Values and Counselor Education and Supervision. He is co-editor of the book Integrating Spirituality into Counseling: A Guide to Competent Practice and the text Counseling Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Single Subject Design. He has published numerous articles on the interface of clinical practice with spirituality and religion. Awards Dr. Young as received include ACA Fellow, the Meritorious Service Award from the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, & Religious Values, the Alumni Excellence Awarded from the Department of Counseling and Educational Development and UNCG.

M. Harry Daniels is Professor of Counselor Education and Director of the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education at the University of Florida. Dr. Daniels is active in several divisions of the American Counseling Association, including ACES, IAMFC, and CSJ. He is also a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and also holds the Approved Supervisor status. Dr. Daniels was a member of the Standards Revision Committee that developed the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Professionals (CACREP) 2009 Standards. He has also served as a consultant for a number of public and private universities who were seeking CACREP Accreditation. Dr. Daniels has been actively involved in the training and supervision of school counselors and marriage and family therapists for over 30 years. His current research involves identifying how primary social institutions (e.g., families, neighborhoods, and schools) have direct and indirect effects on students’ academic performance and what schools can do to ameliorate these effects.







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