How Social Anxiety Can Hold You Back at Work ― And What to Do About It

How Social Anxiety Can Hold You Back at Work ― And What to Do About It


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Social Anxiety at Work Can Prevent You From Being Successful In Your CareerWe’ve all been in situations where we don’t want to socialize - and that’s normal However, sometimes being social can be totally overwhelming and completely uncomfortable. And it’s hard to overcome your fear of speaking with someone when you don’t want to. It’s common to be shy sometimes, when you just aren't in a good mood, or don’t want to talk. But what about those times when the thought of speaking with someone makes your nervous? Or makes you sweat? Or makes your stomach knot? And what happens when you feel this way at work? How do you deal with social anxiety at work? How do you overcome it? If you can't speak naturally with your boss or co-workers, then you’re not acting as your best self, and you’re not reaching your full potential at your job. Your social anxiety is holding you back at work if you don’t do anything about it. In order to advance your career, you need to be the best you can be. Who is this book for? This book is for people who experience social anxiety that prevents them from acting the way they want to when they’re at work. This book is also for people with low-level social anxiety that can be managed without needing the help of a professional. However, if you or anyone you know is experiencing social anxiety that prevents normal daily functioning, then go seek professional help. This book is not a replacement for professional help. In this book, you will learn: 1. What is social anxiety 2. How social anxiety affects your work life 3. The most common workplace anxieties 4. General advice to keep social anxiety in check 5. How to cope with job interview anxiety 6. How to handle meetings 7. How to network with social anxiety 8. How to calmly deal with clients 9. How to manage office crushes 10. How to ask for a promotion or raise 11. Quick relaxation techniques that you can do on the job What will this book do for you? If you’re shy or have low-level social anxiety, working on it and breaking through it can be a game changer for your success at work and for the success of your career. This book will help you get past social anxiety at work. This book will help you open up, gain confidence at work, and over time you will improve. Use this book as your guide for breaking through the shyness and social anxiety that's holding you back at work, so you can make more money, get promoted, and feel better about your job and your career.







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