From Social Competition to Social Dumping

From Social Competition to Social Dumping


:NT$ 3740 元
可得紅利積點:112 點


The European economic unification - mainly inspired by a neoliberal philosophy - has made a lot of victims. The realization of the single market has come about without any adjusting or accompanying economic and social policies. Its effects on social and human relations go far beyond the economic and commercial domains its authors had in mind. It has In fact led to changes in European society that are so far-reaching that they could very well be qualified as mutations. These changes are apparent at three levels: the primary economic level, the social level and finally the general or societal level. At the primary economic level the establishment of the single market has given rise to increased, extensive and often harsh competition between the various economic actors, prompting the creation of bigger companies and frequently damaging the local economies and SMEs. Thus, the unification has produced a torrent of restructuring operations, many resulting in loss of jobs or in delocalization and transfers of jobs. The competitive violence to which the European undertakings have been subjected has been reinforced by the Union's and the Member States' accession to the Free Trade Treaty that established the WTO. This accession has led to the globalization, in fact and in law, of certain markets, thus pushing the economic pressure on the European entrepreneurs and employers to the limit. This trend has come about without any major accompanying economic policies, resulting in the creation of an environment that is adverse to the reinforcement of the industry in Europe. Indeed, by choosing a largely monetary-oriented economic approach the European institutions have contributed to the destabilization and weakening of the European economic actors which, in some cases, resulted in a considerable increase of unemployment. The bank crisis has furthermore reinforced the lack of adjusting economic policies. A failure which has resulted in social massacres in Spain, Greece and Portugal.


Jan Buelens graduated in law at the University of Antwerp (UA) in 2001. Since november 2002 he has been admitted to the bar of Antwerp. That year, he was also promoted to doctor in law with a dissertation on subcontracting. After his studies he started as a lawyer at the Office Progress Lawyers Network, where he is currently responsible for the department of social law. His specialisations include the European social law, collective labour law (protection of employees' representatives, the right to strike, ...) and individual labour law (dismissal, precarious employment, discrimination, etc.). He also has an expertise on occupations to suspension and destruction at the Constitutional Court and the Council of State. He is co-founder of the European Lawyers for Workers, a network of lawyers who personally and professionally strive for the benefit of workers and trade unions. Since 2007 he is working as a guest professor at the UA and does research on social dumping in the transport sector. He furthermore teaches social law at the Hogeschool Universiteit Brussel (HUB). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for employment law and Institute cooperation University labour movement (ISUA). He is also editorial Secretary of the "New Labour journal"/"Nouvelle Revue du Travail" and collaborator of GRACO'S, an interdisciplinary group that publishes about social conflicts. Within the employment law he is the author of three books and dozens of other publications. He regularly gives lectures. He was co-organizer of the various colloquia of PLN as well as of other conferences.

Marc Rigaux is professor at the faculty of Law at the University of Antwerp where he lectures Labour Law. He is also assessor at the Council of State. 







定價:100 3740



