雲林海岸基本資料調查(1/2)(林厝寮海堤至台子村海堤) (附光碟)

雲林海岸基本資料調查(1/2)(林厝寮海堤至台子村海堤) (附光碟)


:NT$ 2200 元


蒐集計畫區內麥寮站資料統計結果,海岸風力以冬季的東北季風最為顯著,全年平均風速約5.97m/sec,冬季期間平均風速值7.31m/sec,夏季期間平均風速值4.65m/sec。月平均溫度大致介於16.1~28.3℃之間,全年平均溫度為攝氏23.1度。全年平均氣壓為1011.6百帕。全年平均相對溼度介於80.0%~87.8%之間,全年蒸發量介於29.5mm~94mm之間,其中以當年9月94mm為最高。各年每月降雨天數集中在每年4月及6-8月間,84年至101年間之年降雨平均值約為1,627公釐。颱風為威脅臺灣地區最嚴重之自然災害,對雲林海岸可能產生直接影響或危害的颱風侵台路徑為第三類、第七類及第九類侵台路徑颱風,過去117年(1897年~2013年) 共412個颱風,上述路徑之颱風共有110次,約佔侵臺颱風總數之26.70%,平均每年發生0.94次。
雲林海岸長度約55公里,屬砂質海岸,一般性海岸防護設施則約有36公里,尚未有防護設施之地區包括麥寮鄉麥寮海埔新生地及口湖鄉開南島兩地,海岸防護措施計有後安寮海堤等13處海堤,海堤長度約36,000m 及另有防潮堤共16,716m,。沿岸海堤之沉陷速率約為每年5~10cm/年;其中海口海堤從83年整建後至目前下陷量約為1.535~1.730m,下陷速率約為10cm/年,其餘海堤下陷速率約每年下陷4~7cm。由於部分海堤構造物長期受到潮、浪侵襲與土體滲流產生淘空與表面老劣化現象,另加上地層下陷、海水位上升及海岸線變遷等各項不利因素,恐降低海堤之安全性與防護性。
比較本年度冬季及夏季季風作用過後之地形差異,0m以下之體積在夏季波浪作用過後約減少3,324,485立方公尺,較4月份減少1.09%,近岸0 ~ -1m水深處流失約4.55%(約21萬立方公尺),而水深1 ~ 3m處合計體積增加約9.1%(約74萬立方公尺);而水深6m以深之外海則全部呈現侵蝕;無論就體積變化及平均刷深深度而言,冬季波浪作用所造成之地形變化遠大於夏季波浪之作用,且自102/10~103/09間整體是呈現侵蝕行為,淨侵淤量約為侵蝕3,450萬立方公尺,約較102/10之體積短少10.3%,外海侵蝕情況仍然持續中;侵蝕的主因以短期行為而言,應是與當地自然營力(東北季風所引起風浪流交互作用)及補充砂源短缺;長期行為除了上述兩項因素外,長期人為活動及海岸構造物之影響也是主因之一。

1. The project overview
(1) Introduction of research
This project works on the part of Yunlin coast, 55 km long extended from Chuo-shui River north to Beigang River south. In the recent years, due to deduction of sand support from rivers, it suffers serious coastal problems, such as retreats of coastline and windbreaks. Therefore, we expect the achievement of this research project that can be established and updated the basic information of this coastal region for future application of coastal management and design, by way of fundamental data collection and analysis.
(2) Research scope
The measurement range of water bathymetry for the first year is 7.8 km long extended from Bozihliao Fishing Port to Taizih Seawall along the Yunlin coast.
2. Fundamental data collection and analysis
(1) Geographical characteristics
In this Coastal and near shore morphology was providing protection from waves and surges by offshore sandbar, such as Bozihliao sandbar and Wai-Shan-Din sandbar. But in recent years, the sandbar area was shown substantial loss due to Industrial zone development, river regulation and land subsidence.
(2) General social and economic background
The administrative region along coastal includes four townships, Mailiao, Taihsi, Kouhu and Sihhu. And there were 36,052 households living in coastal townships, accounting for around 15% of the total county population.
The total numbers of factories in Yunlin County are 1,428 homes that are mainly centered on the food industry, accounting for 30% of all the registered factories. In the aquaculture, there are three classifications of aquaculture form include marine waters, brackish water and freshwater. And the largest aquaculture area in Yunlin County is Kouhu township, accounting for around 42% of all the aquaculture. In Yunlin County also has the poultry farming such as chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys.
(3) Meteorology
The meteorological data are collected from Mailiao meteorological station. The annual average wind speed is about 5.97 m/sec, the average wind speed during the winter months is 7.31 m/sec, and during the summer is 4.65 m/sec. The average monthly temperature is between 16.1℃ to 28.3℃,and the annual average temperature is 23.1℃. The annual average pressure is about 1011.6 hPa. The average annual relative humidity is around 80.0% to 87.8%, and the annual evaporation is between 29.5mm to 94mm, which the highest evaporation is 94mm in September. The rainy seasons during every year are in April and June to August, and the annual rainfall is about 1,627 mm during 1995 to 2012.
The most threatening for invasion routes of typhoon to Yunlin coastal are routes 3, 7 and 9. In 412 typhoon events over the past 117 years (1897~2013), there were 110 typhoon events classified routes 3, 7 and 9, accounting for around 26.70% of all the typhoon events.
(4) Oceanography
A) Current: The main transport direction of offshore current is controlled by wind-driven flow and ocean current. There is considerable seasonal variation of the offshore current. It is from north to south in winter, and conversely in summer, it is from south to north.
B) Tide: The high tide direction is north (N) to northeast (NE). The low tide direction is south (S) to the southeast (SE), with a velocity size of about 62.5 to 75 centimeters per second, being a half-day flow.
C) Wave: The wave directions in summer are mainly west (W) to south (S), with a wave height below 0.5 meters and 4~6 seconds in the period. And the mainly wave directions in winter are northwest (NW) to north (N), with a wave height between 1~2 meters and 5~7 seconds in the period.
(5) River hydrology
There are more than 7 percent rivers with annual river runoff concentrated in April to October .The largest sources of river sand transport in the research area are Jhuoshuei River and Beigang River. Jhuoshuei River is much higher than the Beigang River with average sand content, maximum sand content, and the amount of average sand transport.
(6) Coast protection structures
Yunlin coast owns 13 regular coastal protection sea dikes (around 36,000 meters), and 16,716 meters of sea dikes to against tidal waves. There are still two areas with no protective equipment including Coastal Reclaimed Land-Mailiao and Kainan Dao in Kouhu Township.
The seawall has become emptied and surface deterioration due to the long-term invasion by tidal-currents and waves. The subsidence rate of the seawalls are about 5 ~ 10cm per year.
(7) Land subsidence
Yunlin is the most serious subsidence area of entire country .The annual land subsidence rate along the coast is less than 2cm. The maximum subsidence rate is about 6.7cm per year during 2006~2013.
(8)Coastal morphological changes
There are two main factor items of sediment transport changes, as described below.
A) Anthropogenic activities: including channel dredging, land reclamation, sea wall or riverbank protection
B) Natural forces: transport of sediment around an estuary is governed by many natural factors such as sediment source, tidal flow and waves.
3. Control measure
In this project, there are seven coastal controlling piles (point numbers are between YL01 to YL07) with average spacing of 1 km, as a control base of monitoring coastal terrain.
4. Topographic Survey of Coastal Zone
(1) Land topography
The land topography survey is working with aerial photography, and pairing with a LiDAR (laser scanning).
(2) Ocean bathymetry
The ocean bathymetry measuring times are action after winter and summer wave season (April 2014 and October). And use the two measurement results for analysis of coastal morphological changes.
5. Investigation of coastal morphological changes
(1) Analysis on the areal extent of coastal erosion and deposition
The net changes in coastal terrain invasion deposition is -34.5 million cubic meters during 102/10~103/09, which is showing an erosion trend. The result showed that coastal morphological is continued erosion, due to natural forces (such as wind, wave, and current induced from winter monsoon), the shortage of sand source, and anthropogenic activities.
(2) Cross-section profile analysis of coastal zone
In this project, we use of 10 survey lines for cross-section profile analysis of coastal zone, such as Sec.38~40 (Northern Section)、Sec.41~43 (Middle Section)、Sec.44~47 (Southern Section). The more serious erosion area is Southern Section. Most of the erosion behavior is occurred in the winter.
(3) Long-term Changes in sandbar
The long-term change for sandbar migration is from north to south, and turned landward. The annual average moving rate is about 321 meters per year. The main erosion areas of sandbar are in the offshore and southern of Bozihliao Fishing Port (the erosion area on the left side is more than the right side). And the main deposit areas are found in the middle of Bozihliao Sandbar and northern of Bozihliao Fishing Port.
The main activities periods of sediment transport are during the wave actions in winter and summer (including typhoon season).
6. Investigation of fluvial sediment
The fluvial sediment survey analysis is once per year after the winter and summer wave action.
(1) Sediment grain size measurement
Compare results from two surveys, the sediment particle size distribution is insignificant; and the sediment transporting is tend to south in the fine sediment area of sandbar landside.
(2) Sampling survey of suspended-sediment loads
During the winter wave action (wave height greater than 2m), the main advantage direction of sediment transport is onshore and southward. According to the observational results, the wave greater than 2m is northward, causing southward alongshore current and southward alongshore sediment transport. On the contrary, during the summer wave action (wave height less than 0.5m), the sandbar topography changes will not be too significant.





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