A Practical Guide to Teen Business and Cybersecurity ― Cybersecurity and best practices, Great Leadership Qualities, How to Write a Press Release, Various Types of Investment Capital, How to Avoid

A Practical Guide to Teen Business and Cybersecurity ― Cybersecurity and best practices, Great Leadership Qualities, How to Write a Press Release, Various Types of Investment Capital, How to Avoid


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This book series isn’t necessarily about financial endeavors, the love of money and power or pushing teens into any particular business-centric direction. Your children study history and mathematics without the motivating factor of being a professional historian or mathematician. This book of business and cybersecurity should be studied in the same manner. Education is about opening the student’s mind to a universe of new possibilities and tearing down barriers. This book series stands as a testament that any and all information should be readily available to anyone regardless of age or geography when the student is ready to receive it, without systematic restriction by establishment topical guardians. Standardized education has succeeded at nothing other than the dumbing down of our youth and inventing new inhibitors to information access. The brutal reality nowadays is that the education sector attracts teachers who teach because (in most cases) they cannot do, and these are the very people we allow 12+ years of access to our children. Ask your teen’s 11th grade political science teacher what books he/she’s published or what office within the legislative community they’ve held? I can virtually guarantee that they’ve published nothing and held no office that demanded real life usage of the content that they regurgitate onto a chalkboard in your child’s classroom. Let’s face the facts; we’ve been bamboozled into believing that the school system knows best in matters of shaping and molding the developing minds of our children. We’ve been instructed by the institutional machine that our youth’s mind and very being are nothing more than possessions of the state. This book series shatters the illusions and lies that school teachers, experts in nothing but recitation of words authored by someone else, are properly equipped to instruct your teen. Take control of the education of your child. Give them the tools they’ll need to succeed by instilling true and usable knowledge that will stand out amid the pretentious rhetoric they encounter daily. The illusion of ‘righteous access’ that sides with those the establishment deems as your child’s ‘betters’ does nothing constructive and only inhibits their rightful access to information. Your teen deserves full access to any and all information that will cultivate the necessary intellectual attributes to future success. Kids can still be kids while simultaneously learning skills and strategies that can be accessed whenever the interest strikes them. Your child may not understand at this time but their hearts are screaming out for you to guide them and take their corner as they prepare for life. This book series is meant to offer you and your child the information that rightfully belongs to you; unbridled and uncut. With an ever expanding global economy, deflation that defies historical precedence and an education system built out of corruption and illusion, this writer humbly offers you something pure and honest; information that contributes to the preparation of an adult without the educational limitations forced upon them by the establishment. Cybersecurity best practices should be second nature for your child as, nowadays, via social media and video games, nearly 50%+ of your teen’s life is consumed by online interaction and what steps are being taken to protect them in this space? This book series doesn’t have all the answers but this author has concentrated a profound amount of ‘rea life’ knowledge in this book series based off of the identified shortcomings in his children’s public school education. This book series is the result of over three years of research and analyzing curriculum for missing pieces and necessary critical updates to a flawed system. Topics that have been historically categorized for advanced students have been consolidated and presented in an easy to read, fun and informative text for distribution to those seeking a better education for their child.







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