Advanced DC/DC Converters

Advanced DC/DC Converters


:NT$ 15000 元
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DC/DC conversion techniques have undergone rapid development in recent decades. With the pioneering work of authors Fang Lin Luo and Hong Ye, DC/DC converters have now been sorted into their six generations, and by a rough count, over 500 different topologies currently exist, with more being developed each year.

Advanced DC/DC Converters offers a concise, practical presentation of DC/DC converters, summarizing the spectrum of conversion technologies and presenting many new ideas and more than 100 new topologies. The treatment begins with background material on DC/DC conversion and discussions on voltage lift and super-lift converters. It then proceeds through each generation, including the groundbreaking sixth generation—converters developed by the authors that can be cascaded for high voltage transfer gain.

More than 320 figures, 60 tables, and 500 formulae allow the reader to more easily grasp the overall structure of advanced DC/DC converters, provide fast access to precise data, and help them to quickly determine the values of their own circuit components. Nowhere else in the literature are DC/DC converters so logically sorted and systematically introduced. Nowhere else can this detailed information on prototype topologies that represent a major contribution to modern power engineering be found.

This new edition updates every chapter and offers three new chapters. The introduction of the super-lift technique is an outstanding achievement in DC/DC conversion technology, and the ultra-lift technique and hybrid split-capacitor/inductor applied in Super-Lift Luo-Converters are introduced in Chapters 7 and 8 in this edition. The authors have theoretically defined a new concept - Energy Factor (EF), researched the relations between EF and the mathematical modelling for power DC/DC converters, and demonstrated the modeling method for two converters in Chapter 9.


Professor Fang Lin Luo is currently working as both a professor at AnHui University, HeFei, China and the director of the Research Institute of Renewable Energy and Power Electronics. He has held a joint position in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore since 2012. Previously, he was an associate professor with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, NTU. He received his B.Sc. Degree, First Class with Honors (magna cum laude) in Radio-Electronic Physics at the Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, and his Ph. D. Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EE & CS) at Cambridge University, England, UK in 1986.

After his graduation from Sichuan University, he joined the Chinese Automation Research Institute of Metallurgy (CARIM), Beijing, China as a Senior Engineer. From 1981-1982, he went to the Entreprises Saunier Duval, Paris, France as a project engineer. Prof. Luo was with Hocking NDT Ltd, Allen-Bradley IAP Ltd. and Simplatroll Ltd. in England as a Senior Engineer after he received his Ph. D. Degree from Cambridge University. He is a Fellow of Cambridge Philosophical Society, and a Senior Member of IEEE. He has published 15 books and more than 300 technical papers in IEE/IET Proceedings and IEEE Transactions, and various International Conferences.

Professor Luo’s present research interest is in: Power Electronics and DC & AC Motor Drives with Computerized Artificial Intelligent Control (AIC) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP); AC/DC & DC/DC & AC/AC Converters and DC/AC Inverters; Renewable Energy Systems and Electrical Vehicles. He is currently the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. He is also the International Editor of International journal Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy. Professor Luo was the Chief Editor of International journal Power Supply Technologies and Applications between 1998 - 2003. He is the general Chairman of both the First IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA’2006) and the Third IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA’2008).

Dr. Hong Ye (S'00-M'03) received her bachelor’s degree, First Class, in 1995, master engineering degree from Xi'an JiaoTong University, China in 1999, and Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in 2005. She worked with the R&D Institute, XIYI Company, Ltd., China as a research engineer from 1995 to 1997. She has been with NTU since 2003 first as a research associate, then as a research fellow, and currently as a core facility manager.

Dr. Ye is an IEEE Member and has co-authored 15 books. She has published more than 100 technical papers in IEEE-Transactions, IEE-Proceedings and other international journals, and various international conferences. Her research interests are power electronics and conversion technologies, signal processing, operations research, and structural biology.







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