The Isis Solution ― How Unconventional Thinking and Special Operations Can Eliminate Radical Islam

The Isis Solution ― How Unconventional Thinking and Special Operations Can Eliminate Radical Islam


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The President recently announced that we don't have a strategy for dealing with ISIS.

"It's too soon to say what steps the United States will take against ISIS. I don't want to put the cart before the horse," Obama told reporters during a White House news briefing. "We don't have a strategy yet.""-President Obama

If we have been at war with terror for over a decade and still don't have solid strategies for dealing with radical terrorism, then what have we really been doing the last thirteen years? It's a good question to ask yourself, and at least the President was telling the truth when he said we don't have a strategy for ISIS.

As ISIS grows in strength with each successful battle, they will also set up the infrastructure of something resembling a functional state. They will become a self-funded organization making millions of dollars from oil revenue. Left unchecked, it is hard to say how powerful they could become. The dream of a pan-Islamic caliphate is most certainly beyond their reach, however, they could carve out a very large swath of the Middle East for their empire. If ISIS were to capture the first and second most holy sites of the Islamic faith, Mecca and Medina, the entire Middle East may very well implode.

The ISIS Solution takes a look at the current geopolitical situation, organizational structure of ISIS, and provides new thinking and strategies for dealing with the Islamic State in the Middle East. Its authors and contributors have over fifty years of combined experience in the intelligence, analyst and Special Operations communities. Leadership and a new philosophical conversation of action is needed to eliminate violent terrorism. This book starts the conversation.


Brandon Webb is a former U.S. Navy SEAL; his last assignment with the SEALs was Course Manager for the elite SEAL Sniper Course, where he was instrumental in developing new curricula that trained some of the most accomplished snipers of the twenty-first century. Webb has received numerous distinguished service awards, including the Presidential Unit Citation and the Navy Commendation Medal with a “V” for “Valor,” for his platoon’s deployment to Afghanistan following the September 11 attacks. He is editor for’s blog Kit Up, SOFREP’s Editor in Chief, and a frequent national media commentator on snipers and related Special Operations Forces military issues.

PETER NEALEN stepped on the yellow footprints at MCRD San Diego in 2003. A year and a half later, he began training to be a Reconnaissance Marine. After graduating the Basic Reconnaissance Course, he deployed twice to Iraq as a Recon Marine with Bravo Co, 1st Recon Bn, before moving on to what was to become the reconstituted Force Recon Company, I MEF. By the time he finished his active service, he had qualified as a Combatant Diver, Navy/Marine Corps Parachutist, Marine Scout/Sniper, Scout/Sniper Team Leader, and Combat Tracker. He is now a Tactical Tracking Instructor, a freelance writer and contributor for, and the author of the thrillers Task Force Desperate and Hunting in the Shadows.

JACK MURPHY is an eight-year Army Special Operations veteran who served as a sniper and team leader in 3rd Ranger Battalion and as a senior weapons sergeant on a military free fall team in 5th Special Forces Group. Murphy is the author of Reflexive Fire, Target Deck, and the PROMIS series. As an author and managing editor for, he has written numerous nonfiction articles about weapons, tactics, special operations, terrorism, and counter-terrorism. He has appeared in documentaries, on national television, and on syndicated radio as it relates to military current affairs.







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