Smashing Balls ― Golf, Opening Doors for Women

Smashing Balls ― Golf, Opening Doors for Women


:NT$ 1157 元
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Smashing Balls –Golf, Opening Doors for Women helps you navigate through the golf world in an easy and fun fashion. The stories inspire, entertain and educate you in the language and etiquette of golf. This book gives business women a blueprint to learn to play golf and to use golf as a business and networking tool. Getting started in golf can have its challenges and can be intimidating, especially for women. Smashing Balls will give women confidence and provide the tools to get started playing golf. Traditionally, golf lessons start in the backyard, park or driving range with a friend or relative giving instructions. They teach as they have been taught, and may use the latest tips from a golf magazine. This all seems reasonable – or does it?Why would you expect anyone to successfully hit a golf ball if they can’t hit a tee ball off of a tee ball stand? Yet that is precisely what is expected of the beginner golfer. It is analogous to going into a martial arts class for the first time and be expected to smash your hand through a board. In martial arts, everyone starts at the beginning. We think that is a better model for learning and teaching complex motor skills. You may be one of those women who never developed these skills. Even if you did participate in sports when you were younger, you may need some remedial work. Your time has been devoted to careers and raising a family, so those athletic skills may be a little rusty. Let's face it, golf isn't easy to learn. However, "Smashing Balls" can make the learning process easier. The book provides a progression of carefully designed fun physical exercises. The progression is designed to advance quickly and efficiently. Let’s face it, golfers want to play, not practice. The methods in this book get the beginner out on the golf course smashing the ball down the fairway as soon as possible. In addition to the physical challenges of golf, there are rules, etiquette and vocabulary to learn. Many books go into excruciating detail on these topics. For the recreational or strictly social golfer, this book sticks to the basics. Modification of some rules to make the game more enjoyable for the beginner and anyone who plays with them are recommended in the book. Over 80% of beginning golfers will not take golf lessons from a golf professional, so a golf instruction book, such as Smashing Balls, written in layman’s terms will get you off to a better start.







定價:100 1157



