How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future ─ Why Left Hemisphere Dominance Has Brought Humanity to the Brink of Disaster and How We Can Think Our Way to Peace and Healing

How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future ─ Why Left Hemisphere Dominance Has Brought Humanity to the Brink of Disaster and How We Can Think Our Way to Peace and Healing


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Our brains have numerous functioning parts, all of which serve us at any one moment. But decades of research reveal the existence of two basic brain “operating systems”—two fundamental ways in which the whole brain processes incoming information. Because of this phenomenon of brain dominance, most of us tend to favor the input of either our “dualistic” left-brain (which focuses on parts instead of wholes) or our holistic right hemisphere. This means that typically only half of our innate intelligence informs our thinking—and since the left-brain operating system dominates most males, our culture has itself become left-brain dominant.

How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future explores this left-brain bias in our civilization, revealing it to be the root cause for centuries of war, racism, and political polarization—and eons of misunderstanding between the sexes. While most of our technological and scientific progress is driven by left-brain thinking, the great advances to come will require that we consciously harness both sides of our brain to greatly improve our cognition. Award-winning author James Olson goes on to explain how we can achieve greater internal harmony between the two operating systems of the brain—both as individuals and as a culture—thus showing us how ad why thinking with our whole brains will lead us to peace and to the ultimate healing of our relationships and our world.


James Olson is an integral philosopher whose studies have included business, engineering, art, Eastern and Western religion, language, psychology, and brain perspective. Olson has traveled extensively throughout Europe; lived in Austria, France, and Germany; and attended Oklahoma State University, the University of Vienna, Oklahoma University, the University of Missouri at Kansas City, and the Kansas City Art Institute. As a practicing philosopher, Olson has worked most of his life to unify his understanding of material things, ideas, and spiritual energies by embracing concepts that are in harmony with one another. A former church deacon and farmer, as well as a state and national winner in 4-H, Olson starts with a core of conservative farm and Christian values, and into that integrates the complementary perspective of Eastern religion, the liberal perspective of Europe, the wisdom of ancient Egypt, the facts of science, the discipline of business, and the unique spiritual insights offered by modern revelation. Following the unifying guidelines of philosophy and drawing on his broad education, Olson has made it his mission to help bring the planet's masculine and feminine energies into greater harmony and a more peaceful state, through his advocacy of whole-brain thinking.







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