Successful Academic Writing ― A Complete Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists

Successful Academic Writing ― A Complete Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists


:NT$ 4698 元
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Using rich examples and engaging pedagogical tools, this book equips students to master the challenges of academic writing in graduate school and beyond. The authors delve into nitty-gritty aspects of structure, style, and language, and offer a window onto the thought processes and strategies that strong writers rely on. Essential topics include how to: identify the audience for a particular piece of writing; craft a voice appropriate for a discipline-specific community of practice; compose the sections of a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research article; select the right peer-reviewed journal for submitting an article; and navigate the publication process. Readers are also guided to build vital self-coaching skills in order to stay motivated and complete projects successfully.

Pedagogical Features:
*Exercises (with answers) analyzing a variety of texts.
*Annotated excerpts from peer-reviewed journal articles.
*Practice opportunities that help readers apply the ideas to their own writing projects.
*Personal reflections and advice on common writing hurdles.
*End-of-chapter Awareness and Action Reminders with clear steps to take.


Anneliese A. Singh, PhD, LPC, is Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the College of Education and Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling and Human Development Services at the University of Georgia. Her clinical, research, and advocacy interests include LGBT youth, Asian American/Pacific Islander counseling and psychology, multicultural counseling and social justice training, qualitative methodology with historically marginalized groups (e.g., people of color, LGBT individuals, immigrants), and feminist empowerment interventions with survivors of trauma. Dr. Singh is passionate about helping students and early-career professionals to develop their academic writing skills and to learn to develop their own voices. She has conducted numerous seminars and workshops on academic writing at the graduate level, in addition to teaching writing courses at the doctoral level. The recipient of numerous awards for her scholarship, Dr. Singh is a prolific writer, with more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and other professional publications. Her books include Qualitative Inquiry in Clinical and Educational Settings (coauthored with Danica G. Hays) and Successful Academic Writing: A Complete Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists (coauthored with Lauren Lukkarila).
Lauren Lukkarila, PhD, is Assistant Director of the Georgia Tech Language Institute, where she is also a lecturer and coordinates the curriculum of the Intensive English program, as well as most of the other academic-, professional-, and general-skills short programs. Dr. Lukkarila’s research foci include feminist approaches to English as a second language (ESL) pedagogy, critical pedagogy in ESL, academic reading-writing connections, identity and academic writing, critical thinking pedagogy, and academic writing pedagogy. She has been teaching pre- and postmatriculated ESL writers how to succeed at U.S. university academic writing for over a decade. She is a frequent guest lecturer on graduate academic writing and has been honored for her curriculum innovation with international students.







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