Kaizen Planning, Implementing and Controlling
系列名:Management and Industrial Engineering
出版社:Springer Verlag
作者:Midiala Opopesa Vento; Jorge Luis Garc??Alcaraz; Aid?Aracely Maldonado Mac?酒
規格:24.1cm*16.5cm*2.5cm (高/寬/厚)
This bookreports a literature review on kaizen, its industrialapplications, critical success factors, benefits gained, journals that publish about it, main authors (research groups) and universities. Kaizen is treated in this book in three stages: planning, implementation and control. The authors provide a questionnaire designed with activities in every stage, highlighting the benefits gained in each stage. The study has been applied to more than 400 managers and leaders in continuous improvement inMexican maquiladoras. A univariate analysis is provided to the activities in everystage. Moreover, structural equation models associating those activitieswith the benefits gained are presented for a statistical validation. Such a relationship between activities and benefits helps managers to identify themost important factor affecting their benefits and financial income.
Midiala Oropesa Vento is a researcher recognized by the National Council of Science and Technologyof Mexico (CONACYT), member of the Mexican Society of Operations Research. Her mainresearch areas are related to total quality management, continuous improvement,decision making and modeling applied to production processes.
Jorge Luis Garcia Alcaraz is a full timeresearcher of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the AutonomousUniversity of Ciudad Juarez. His main research areas are related to Multi criteria decision makingapplied to manufacturing, production process modeling and statistical inference.He is founding member of the Mexican Society of Operation Research and activemember in the Mexican Academy of Industrial Engineering.?
Aide Aracely Maldonado Macias has a?Ph.D. in Sciences in Industrial Engineering from the Technological Institute of Ciudad Juarez and is a full-time Professor-Investigator at theAutonomous University of Ciudad Juarez (UACJ).