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This book offers the reader a comprehensive overview, as well as in-depth understanding, of appropriate methods for quantifying and characterizing saline aquifers that are suitable for geological storage of CO2. It starts from a general overview of the methodology and the processes that take place when CO2 is injected and stored in deep saline water containing formations. This is followed by presentations of mathematical and numerical models used for predicting the consequences of CO2 injection. A description of relevant experimental methods, from laboratory experiments to field scale site characterization and techniques for monitoring the spreading of the injected CO2 in the formation. Experiences from a number of important field injection projects are reviewed as are those from CO2 natural analog sites. Finally, relevant risk management methods are presented.

Geological storage of CO2 is widely considered a key technology, capable of substantially reducing the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere, thereby reducing the negative impacts of such releases on global climate. Around the world, projects are already in operation, while others are being initiated and executed to demonstrate the technology. Deep saline formations are the geological formations evaluated to hold the highest storage potential, due to their abundance world-wide. Until now, such formations have, however, been relatively poorly characterized, due to their low economic value. Therefore, the processes of injection and storage of CO2 in such formations still need to be better quantified and methods for characterizing, modeling and monitoring of CO2 storage in such formations are rapidly evolving.


Auli Niemi is Professor in Groundwater Modeling at Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University, Sweden, leading the geohydrology research. ?Her earlier positions include e.g. Research Professor and Leading Research Scientist at Technical Research Centre of Finland, Visiting Professor at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm and Research Associate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. Her research involves modeling and characterization of flow and transport in porous and fractured media, with special interest in multiphase and coupled processes as well as characterizing heterogeneity effects. Her work is presented in over 140 journal publications and published reports. She was the coordinator of the large-scale integrating EU FP7 project MUSTANG (2009-2014) aimed for developing methodologies for site characterization, monitoring and modeling of saline aquifers for CO2 geological storage, which project formed the basis for this book. She has also held leading roles in other recent and ongoing EU FP7 projects on CO2 geological storage, namely the PANACEA (2012-2014), TRUST (2012-2017) and CO2QUEST (2012-2017) projects, as well as worked in CO2 projects in the Baltic Sea Region. She has also had a number of commissions of trust related to research on geological storage of CO2, in terms international working groups, advisory boards and editorships.

Jacob Bear is Professor Emeritus at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, where he held the Albert and Anne Mansfield Chair in Water Resources as well as several administrative positions including Vice President for Academic Affairs. He was also the Dean of Engineering at the Kinneret Academic College in the Jordan Valley. Professor Bear is involved in research, consultancy and teaching in the area of groundwater flow, contaminant transport, and seawater intrusion in aquifers and in the area of modeling phenomena of transport in porous media. He received Honorary Doctorates from the Delft University of Technology (1978) and from ETH Zurich (1988). He is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Among his honors: the Hubbert Award (1990) by the National Ground Water Assoc., the Rothschild Prize in Engineering, Israel (2001), the Excellence in Geophysical Education Award (2003) and the Horton Medal (2010) by the AGU. He was awarded the first Honorary Membership (2009) by INTERPORE. His work has been published in five books and in over 200 publications. He was the founder of the International Journal on Transport in Porous Media, published by Springer, and served as its Editor (1985-2010).

Jacob Bensabat received his PhD in 1986 at Technion-Israeli Institute of Technology, on the analysis of heat and mass transfer processes in the unsaturated zone in relation to heat storage. After post-doctoral research at MIT his main focus has been in geo-hydrological consultancy, with specialization in the analysis and modelling of large scale hydrogeological problems, including groundwater resources management, pollution control, design of remediation schemes and analysis of seawater intrusion processes. He is presently leading a CO2 injection experiment at Heletz (Israel) as part of the MUSTANG project and TRUST projects. He was the coordinator of the CO2 storage related EU-FP7 funded PANACEA project (2012-2014) and is the coordinator of the EU-FP7 TRUST project (2012-2017).







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