Multiresidue Methods for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Food
系列名:Food Analysis & Properties
出版社:CRC Pr I Llc
作者:Horacio Heinzen (EDT); Leo M. L. Nollet (EDT); Amadeo R. Fernandez-Alba (EDT)
Pesticide residues can persist for some time and can be harmful to human health, wildlife and the global environment. Determination of such residues helps to keep the production sustainability and to design policies to protect endangered ecosystems. This book presents the key features of pesticide residues analysis in food matrices. It provides both theoretical and practical, updated information on instrumental advances and their applications as well as the main trends in sample preparations protocols employed in MRM pesticide residue analysis.
Horacio Heinzen is a chemist of pharmacognosy (UdelaR, 1983) and earned his degree of Doctor of Gottingen University, Germany, in 1993. He is professor of pharmacognosy and natural products chemistry faculty, UdelaR, since 1998.His main lines of research are the characterization of new bioactive compounds, the validation of the action of native medicinal plants, and the development of a new herbal. In the analytical area, he turned to the area of analysis of pesticide residues and organic contaminants. In particular, his works focus on the development of new analytical meth-odologies on the preparation of samples for the analysis of trace organic compounds in complex matrices, both food and pharmaceutical raw materials.He? is? coauthor? of? more? than? 70? original? papers? in? scientific? magazines.? He?wrote?many book chapters and he was a speaker at numerous conferences, national, regional, and international.He? was? president? of? the? Latin? American? Society? of? Phytochemistry? (2005–2008)? and he is a member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and the Scientific?Committee of?the?Latin American? Pesticide? Residue? Workshop? (LAPRW)? Subcommittee for Crop Protection.
Leo M.L. Nollet received his MS (1973) and PhD (1978) in biology from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. He is editor and associate editor of numerous books. He edited for M. Dekker, New York—now CRC Press of Taylor & Francis—the first, sec-ond, and third editions of the books entitled Food Analysis by HPLC and Handbook of Food Analysis. The last edition is a two-volume book. He also edited the Handbook of Water? Analysis (first, second, and third editions) and Chromatographic Analysis of the Environment, Third Edition (CRC Press).With? F.? Toldra,? he? coedited? two? books? published? in? 2006? and? 2007:? Advanced Technologies? for? Meat? Processing? (CRC? Press)? and? Advances? in? Food? Diagnostics(Blackwell Publishing—now Wiley). With M. Poschl, he coedited the book Radionuclide Concentrations? in? Foods? and? the? Environment,? also? published? in? 2006? (CRC? Press).? Dr. Nollet has also coedited with Y. H. Hui and other colleagues several books: Handbook of Food Product Manufacturing (Wiley, 2007), Handbook of Food Science, Technology and Engineering (CRC Press, 2005), Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (first and second editions; Blackwell Publishing—now Wiley—2006 and 2012), and the Handbook of Fruits and Vegetable Flavors (Wiley, 2010). In addition, he edited the Handbook of Meat,? Poultry? and? Seafood? Quality,? first? and? second? editions? (Blackwell? Publishing—now Wiley—2007 and 2012).From? 2008? to? 2011,? he? published? with? F.? Toldra? five? volumes? on? animal-product-related? books,? namely,? the? Handbook? of? Muscle? Foods? Analysis,? the? Handbook? of? Processed Meats and Poultry Analysis, the Handbook of Seafood and Seafood Products Analysis,? the? Handbook? of? Dairy? Foods? Analysis,? and? the? Handbook? of? Analysis? of? Edible? Animal? By-Products.? Also? in? 2011,? with? F.? Toldra,? he? coedited? for? CRC? Press? two volumes: Safety Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin and Sensory Analysis of Foods of? Animal? Origin.? In? 2012,? they? both? published? the? Handbook? of? Analysis? of? Active? Compounds in Functional Foods.In? a? coedition? with? Hamir? Rathore,? the? book? Handbook? of? Pesticides:? Methods? of? Pesticides? Residues? Analysis? was? marketed? in? 2009;? Pesticides:? Evaluation? of? Environmental Pollution, in 2012; and the Biopesticides Handbook, in 2015.Other finished book projects include Food Allergens: Analysis, Instrumentation, and Methods (with A. van Hengel; CRC Press, 2011) and Analysis of Endocrine Compounds in? Food? (Wiley-Blackwell,? 2011).? Dr.? Nollet’s? recent? projects? include? Proteomics? in? Foods? with? F.? Toldra? (Springer,? 2013)? and? Transformation? Products? of? Emerging? Contaminants in the Environment: Analysis, Processes, Occurrence, Effects and Riskswith D. Lambropoulou (Wiley, 2014). In this series, CRC Food Analysis & Properties, he edited with C. Ruiz-Capillas Flow Injection Analysis of Food Additives (CRC Press, 2015) and Marine Microorganisms: Extraction and Analysis of Bioactive Compounds(CRC Press, 2016).
Amadeo R. Fernandez-Alba is master in chemistry (University Complutense of Madrid) and? professor? in? the? area? of? analytical? chemistry? at? the?University?of?Almeria.? He? is? director/founder? of? the?Group?of? investigation? AGR? 159? “Pesticide? residues”? of? the? Junta de Andalucia.He is the author of more than 120 articles on analysis of contaminants in food and environment. He is editor of three books on control of residues of pesticides, both leg-islative and technical, and of control of quality. The majority of these works are related with the application of mass spectrometry. He is/was a speaker at numerous conferences and is a participant in more than 50 European and National (Spanish) projects mainly related with the evaluation of contaminants in food and environment. He is co-head of the? Community?Reference?Laboratory? for? Pesticide? Residues? in? Fruits? and? Vegetables? and member of the European Committee European of Normalisation CEN WG4. He is counselor of the Andalusian service of health of the Junta of Andalusia for the control of food quality.