Statistics for Business and Economics
出版社:Pearson College Div
作者:James T. McClave; P. George Benson; Terry Sincich
規格:27.3cm*21.6cm*3.2cm (高/寬/厚)
For courses in Introductory Business Statistics.
Real Data. Real Decisions. Real Business.
Now in its Thirteenth Edition, Statistics for Business and Economics introduces statistics in the context of contemporary business. Emphasizing statistical literacy in thinking, the text applies its concepts with real data and uses technology to develop a deeper conceptual understanding. Examples, activities, and case studies foster active learning while emphasizing intuitive concepts of probability and teaching readers to make informed business decisions. The Thirteenth Edition continues to highlight the importance of ethical behavior in collecting, interpreting, and reporting on data, while also providing a wealth of new and updated exercises and case studies.
Also available with MyLab Statistics
MyLab™ Statistics is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.
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- 032192147X / 9780321921475 MyLab Statistics for Business Statistics -- Glue-In Access Card
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Dr. Jim McClave is currently President and CEO of Info Tech, Inc., a statistical consulting and software development firm with an international clientele. He is also currently an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the University of Florida, where he was a full-time member of the faculty for twenty years.
Dr. Terry Sincich obtained his PhD in Statistics from the University of Florida in 1980. He is an Associate Professor in the Information Systems & Decision Sciences Department at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Dr. Sincich is responsible for teaching basic statistics to all undergraduates, as well as advanced statistics to all doctoral candidates, in the College of Business Administration. He has published articles in such journals as the Journal of the American Statistical Association, International Journal of Forecasting, Academy of Management Journal, and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. Dr. Sincich is a co-author of the texts Statistics, Statistics for Business & Economics, Statistics for Engineering & the Sciences, and A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis.