Rollin?Down the River ─ Discovery People and Places Along the Might Missouri
出版社:Acclaim Pr
作者:Larry N. Campbell
規格:29.2cm*22.9cm*1.9cm (高/寬/厚)
It started with an inherited idea and ended with an amazing roadtrip! Having learned of a similar trip taken on the Mississippi River by Gayle Harper, described in her 2014 book Roadtrip with a Raindrop (Acclaim Press), author Larry Campbell remembers thinking, “what a neat idea – wouldn’t that be fun to do on the Missouri?!” The thought simply would not go away, and, within a few months, he knew he must pursue this new dream.During the summer of 2016, therefore, Larry set out from Three Forks, Montana, and followed the Missouri River (by car) from its source all the way through seven states of the Upper Midwest and Midwest to its majestic confluence with the Mississippi River near St. Louis.Join Larry as he revisits his magnificent adventure through pictures and stories of the River, its life, and its culture.Experience the breathtaking scenery that adorns the 2,341-mile path of the River. Visit the historical sites along the River—many marking the exploration of Lewis and Clark more than two centuries ago. Visit the various ‘river cities’— both large and small—along the way.And finally, meet the fantastic hosts and colorful personalities the author encountered and befriended during what he called “the trip of a lifetime on what is arguably the most unique river in the world!”
Dr. Larry N. Campbell spent his professional career working as a professor in mathematics and mathematics education, split equally (17 years each) between the College of the Ozarks near Branson, Missouri and Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.He retired – in stages - from MSU between 2012 and 2014, and, since then he has been running AfterMath Enterprises, LLC, an umbrella organization for all the activities in which he is engaged. Besides doing talks, programs and workshops for civic/community groups and schools, he also puts out a (free) photo/sharing e-mail blog which combines his photography hobby with several other Monday morning brighteners and tidbits for the week. He also writes a bi-weekly educational column for the Springfield News-Leader in Springfield. (His first book of collected columns, entitled Spitballs from the Back Row, will appear in December 2017.) During the extended summer of 2016, he added the terms ‘explorer’ and ‘adventurer’ to his resume. He set out on a seven-week journey, following the Missouri River (by car) from its source in Three Forks, Montana, to where it ends near St. Louis, Missouri. That adventure resulted in this book.Larry and his wife Pat live in Branson. They have two grown children, Christi and Adam.