Breathing Love ─ Meditation in Action

Breathing Love ─ Meditation in Action


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Offering hope to a world in turmoil, Breathing Love is a spiritual guide to living love as an embodied meditation practice. Uniting us in a universally understandable goal, Jennie Lee builds immediate bridges of peace by changing how we look at love; from something to be acquired and preserved, to something to be realized and breathed.

Active conscious loving is the basis of the meditation practices offered in Breathing Love, providing you with inner solace and a deep sense of purpose. Whether in a relationship or not, in the prime of life or nearing death, you'll be encouraged to move beyond the pain, pride, and fear that keep you from love.

Part One offers compassionate wisdom for expanding the experience of love within yourself and asks you to contemplate what might be keeping you from full capacity loving. It also explores the difference between your usual yet limited sense of self, and your unified greater Self, experienced through compassionate action and divine kindness.

Part Two asks you to consider that your truest life purpose lies in offering a more expansive, less personal love into every relationship and circumstance of daily life. It also addresses periods of self-evaluation, such as during major life transitions and near the end of life, and how you can embrace these with peaceful resolve, and leave a legacy of pure love behind.

Through intimate personal stories from Jennie's own life, you'll feel deeply assured that this call to love in action is possible no matter what life presents. Using the meditative practices given in each chapter is easy, whethr you're a seasoned practitioner or new to meditation. Each of these creates greater spiritual intimacy within yourself and more authentic connection with others. By making life a meditation of breathing love, not only will you find yourself, but you will find all the love you ever desired.

Key Themes include:

  • How to live fearlessly in the consciousness of love
  • How to develop receptivity to divine love through meditation
  • How to know and live from one's most loving self
  • How to practice love in daily life
  • How to integrate spirituality and physical life through conscious loving
  • How to overcome the ego and access the soul for greater peace
  • How to love beyond one's current limitations
  • How to have a deeper relationship with the Source of all love
  • How to spiritualize relationships through more unconditioned love
  • How to experience non-personal love for all beings
  • How to find ultimate purpose in living a love directed life

“Jennie Lee’s Breathing Love is extraordinarily important, because our country and our world are afflicted by a tsunami of separation directed toward “the other.” This pandemic of separation and hostility now threatens our future. In elaborating on love, Lee provides a path not just for personal psychospiritual growth, but also for the survival of our species.”—Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

Breathing Love is the one book to give to family, friends, and students. Never has the art of cultivating true, generous love and the higher Self through meditation practices been better explained. This book opens up a new world of possibility beyond all the ego obstacles and the destructive conflicts of our times. Bravo. Jennie Lee offers the essential vitamin pill for the soul. Brilliant, elegant, and easily practical for those just getting into meditation, and for the seasoned veteran. This is a book to cherish, filled with good stories from Jennie's remarkable life of devotion.”—Stephen G. Post, author of Why Good Things Happen to Good People and president of the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love

Breathing Love is a powerful call to awaken a higher level of love in our hearts and to serve love selflessly for the sustainability of all humankind. Jennie Lee compassionately guides readers through the inner obstacles of fear, anger, ego, and a limited sense of self, to find the pure love waiting within. If you are feeling disconnected or unloved, this book will set you on the path to healing and to seeing relationships in a whole new light. Through her personal stories, Lee illustrates the way we can evolve consciousness from fear to love—an essential skill for everyone's inner peace.”—Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD, co-author of Aging with Attitude

“Dear Meditators, Jennie Lee is here to help you cultivate even the most quotidian moments as spiritual practice. Breathing Love, will grant you a widening connection to your purest love and your true Self.”—Elena Brower, author of Art of Attention and Practice You

Breathing Love is brimming with inspiration for those building or expanding a practice of meditation, not just as a self-care practice, but as a means to heal our hurts and fill our hearts with calm trust and LOVE.”—Agapi Stassinopoulos, author of Wake Up To The Joy Of You

“In this beautiful treatise, Jennie Lee gives practical ways to embody Love Itself; a true path to connection with our inherent Divinity.”—Tosha Silver, author of Change Me Prayers: The Hidden Power of Spiritual Surrender

“I love Jennie Lee’s rallying cry to choose love anyway, always, and no matter what. She will show you how to break open your heart and let the love that’s inside you, the love that is your very essence, pour forth into the world and bless everyone it touches. As Jennie explains, love is the language of God, so when you consistently choose love, you will palpably feel God’s presence, and peace will gather you tenderly in its arms.”—Phil Bolsta, author of Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World

“Breathing Love is an important book, which shows us how to fulfill the need that connects us all as human beings, and at the same time the lack of which is responsible for all suffering. I came upon this wisdom the hard way, through personal tragedy, but those who read Jennie's words, take them into their hearts, and put them in practice, will be living the fullest, most meaningful and purpose-driven life possible.”—Scarlett Lewis, president and founder of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement

“Jennie so beautifully gives us the tools for a new era. In Breathing Love, she paints the picture of life beyond fear and anxiety and gives us the practical skills to make it happen. We are standing on the precipice of this new reality and Jennie is showing us the way. This book will help each one of us fulfill our ultimate purpose and live in what can only be called a heaven on earth.”—Cherie Healey, Possibilitarian


Jennie Lee (Hawaii) is a certified yoga therapist who has spent two decades coaching people in the healing tradition of classical yoga meditation. Using the practices she writes about in Breathing Love, Jennie helps people overcome grief, depression, anxiety, and stress as well as create lives filled with greater joy. Author of the award winning book True Yoga, Jennie's writing has also been featured on dozens of wellness blogs and in magazines including the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Yoga Digest, and Yogi Times. She counsels via phone or Skype internationally and from her home studio on the island of O’ahu. Visit her online at







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