Phenolic Compounds in Food ― Characterization and Analysis

Phenolic Compounds in Food ― Characterization and Analysis


:NT$ 13050 元
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Phenolic compounds, ubiquitous in plants, play a role in protecting plants against insects and other animals and are involved in many other functions such as structure, pollination, germinative processes of seed, development, and reproduction. Lately, they have been of considerable interest due to their antioxidant properties. Phenolic compounds can be classified in different ways, ranging from simple molecules to highly polymerized compounds. This book deals with all aspects of phenolic compounds in food, from characterization and analysis to antioxidant values.


Leo M. L. Nollet, PhD, earned an MS (1973) and PhD (1978) in? biology? from? the? Katholieke? Universiteit? Leuven,? Belgium.? He? is? an? editor? and? associate? editor? of? numerous? books.? He? edited? for? M.? Dekker,? New? York—now? CRC? Press? of? Taylor? &? Francis? Publishing? Group—the? first,? second,? and? third? editions? of? Food? Analysis? by? HPLC? and Handbook of? Food? Analysis.? The? last? edition? is? a? two-volume? book.? Dr. Nollet also edited the Handbook of Water Analysis (first, second,? and? third? editions)? and? Chromatographic? Analysis? of the Environment,third and fourth editions(CRC Press). With? F.? Toldra,? he? coedited? two? books? published? in? 2006,? 2007, and 2017: Advanced Technologies for Meat Processing (CRC Press) and Advances in Food Diagnostics? (Blackwell? Publishing—now?? Wiley).?? With?? M.?? Poschl,?? he?? coedited?? the? book? Radionuclide? Concentrations? in? Foods? and? the? Environment,also published in 2006 (CRC Press). Dr. Nollet has also coedited with Y. H. Hui and other colleagues on several books: Handbook of Food Product Manufacturing (Wiley,? 2007),? Handbook? of? Food? Science,? Technology,? and? Engineering? (CRC? Press,? 2005), Food? Biochemistry? and? Food? Processing? (first? and? second? editions;? Blackwell? Publishing—now Wiley—2006 and 2012), and the Handbook of Fruits and Vegetable Flavors (Wiley,? 2010).? In? addition,? he? edited? the? Handbook? of? Meat,? Poultry,? and? Seafood Quality, first and second editions (Blackwell Publishing—now Wiley—2007 and 2012). From 2008 to 2011, he published with F. Toldra five volumes on animal? product–related books: Handbook of Muscle Foods Analysis, Handbook of Processed Meats and Poultry Analysis, Handbook of Seafood and Seafood Products Analysis, Handbook of Dairy Foods Analysis, and Handbook of Analysis of Edible Animal By-Products. Also in? 2011,? with? F.? Toldra,? he? coedited? two? volumes? for? CRC? Press:? Safety? Analysis? of? Foods of Animal Origin and Sensory Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin. In 2012, they published? the? Handbook? of? Analysis? of? Active? Compounds? in? Functional? Foods.? In? a? coedition with Hamir Rathore, Handbook of Pesticides: Methods of Pesticides Residues Analysis was? marketed? in? 2009;? Pesticides:? Evaluation? of? Environmental? Pollution? in 2012; Biopesticides Handbook in 2015; and Green Pesticides Handbook: Essential Oils for Pest Control in 2017. Other finished book projects include Food Allergens: Analysis, Instrumentation,? and? Methods? (with? A.? van? Hengel;? CRC? Press,? 2011)? and? Analysis of Endocrine Compounds in Food (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011). Dr. Nollet’s recent projects include Proteomics in Foods with F. Toldra (Springer, 2013) and Transformation Products of? Emerging? Contaminants? in? the? Environment:? Analysis,? Processes,? Occurrence,? Effects, and Risks with D. Lambropoulou (Wiley, 2014). In the series Food Analysis & Properties, he edited (with C. Ruiz-Capillas) Flow Injection Analysis of Food Additives (CRC Press, 2015) and Marine Microorganisms: Extraction and Analysis of Bioactive Compounds (CRC Press, 2016). With A.S. Franca, he edited Spectroscopic Methods in Food Analysis (CRC Press, 2017), and with Horacio Heinzen and Amadeo R. Fernandez-Alba? he? edited? Multiresidue? Methods? for? the? Analysis? of? Pesticide? Residues? in? Food(CRC Press, 2017).

Janet? Alejandra? Gutierrez-Uribe,? PhD,? is? an? associate? pro-fessor? in? the? NutriOmics? research? group? at? the? School? of? Engineering and Science from Tecnologico de Monterrey. She is the director of the Bioengineering Department in the South Region of Tecnologico de Monterrey. Dr. Gutierrez-Uribe is a food engineer with graduate studies in biotechnology. For more than 10 years, she has worked on phytochemistry and in the nutritional biochemistry of phenolic compounds and other? nutraceuticals.? Her? research? is? focused? on? Mexican? foods such as black beans, cacti, agave, and maize. She has published more than 60 papers in different prestigious jour-nals and is the inventor of more than 10 patents and applica-tions in Mexico and abroad. She has graduated more than 25 graduate students and her teaching skills go beyond lectures. Work with industry and social service are her main drivers in the development of challenges related to biochemistry, molecular biology, cell culture, and nutraceutical discovery.







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