A Compromised Compassion

A Compromised Compassion


:NT$ 622 元
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A Compromised Compassion describes our mind’s journey through the social world, and the forces which it encounters. Beginning with the real-life story of a narcissist whose idealized alpha-male self-image crumbled at the tender age of 6, it chronicles the deeply hidden shame revealed. A brief narrative of that life is followed by a collection of original quotes, poems and short essays. This is a tale of social fear and anxiety, and the internal walls of self-protection that became self-isolation. Habitual patterns of thought and behavior, along with rigid images of self and others were the bricks of the wall. Judgments were made and expectations established, involving failure versus success, and shame versus fame. Feelings of empathy, remorse and compassion were cut off. The internal obstacles were self-constructed. Those obstacles are common to most of us, and involve the emotional memories we become so attached to, the distorted ideal visions of our own self and others, and our dependence upon external forces to secure our trust. The way out involves a movement of trust within, leading to individual integrity, while at the same time remaining empathetic and compassionate. Once this is accomplished, then the walls come tumbling down, allowing our mind the freedom to wander where it will, and allowing our compassion the freedom to touch all of humanity. These words might help you find that freedom.


Abner Bendix is a name representing the potential for moral good within any individual. The thoughts apply to everyone, though the name is suggestive of someone living within the United States of America. Abner is taken from the Al Capp comic strip, Li’l Abner, which ran in newspapers from 1934-1977. Bendix is the last name of actor William Bendix, the star of the television show, The Life of Riley, which ran in prime time from 1953-1958. The lead character in each story has a heart of gold; they never blame anyone for their trials and tribulations; and they never lose hope. The people who have worked on the Abner Bendix Project, a group which has shifted over time, admire their honesty, lack of meanness, and absence of selfish exploitation. We are people that are interested in understanding why we think and do the things we think and do. We are also interested in changing, so that our minds are free to go where they will, and so that our empathy and compassion can extend their reach as far as possible. This means that each member of the team has been willing to take an honest look within. We have also been willing to adapt our perceptions when our mind encounters a fresh truth, a fresh way to view our own participation in the social reality. We are in the process of developing workshops based upon this paradigm. They will be designed to help an individual improve self-confidence and self-assertiveness by establishing an inner-centered sense of trust, while maintaining empathy and compassion. These workshops will be offered for free to those who are unable to pay for such services on their own. Everyone is entitled to a basic human integrity, based upon a recognition and support of their human dignity. Enjoy and be well, The Abner Bendix Team







定價:100 622



