Historia, memoria e integraci鏮 europea desde el punto de vista de las relaciones transatl嫕ticas de la UE/ History, Memory and European Integration from the Point of View of EU Transatlantic Relations

Historia, memoria e integraci鏮 europea desde el punto de vista de las relaciones transatl嫕ticas de la UE/ History, Memory and European Integration from the Point of View of EU Transatlantic Relations


:NT$ 4578 元
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Este libro analiza las relaciones históricas y políticas entre Europa y América, y el proceso de integración europea desde el punto de vista de las relaciones transatlánticas de la UE con un enfoque multidisciplinario. Es el resultado de un Seminario de Doctorado sobre ese tema organizado por la Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste entre el 26 y el 28 de enero de 2015. Los capítulos de este libro arrojan luz sobre temas que, desde la perspectiva predominante de las zonas centrales y septentrionales de la UE, a menudo quedan eclipsados por las relaciones de Europa con los Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto, está diseñado para contribuir a dar un aspecto renovado y comprender mejor las interacciones transatlánticas entre la UE y sus socios latinoamericanos.

This book analyses the historical and political relations between Europe and the Americas, and the European integration process from the point of view of the EU transatlantic relationships with a multidisciplinary approach. It is the result of a Doctoral Seminar on that issue organised by the European Academy of Yuste Foundation from 26 to 28 January 2015. The chapters of this book shed light on topics which from the prevailing perspective of EU’s central and northern zones are often overshadowed by Europe’s relations with the United States. It is thus designed to contribute to take that fresh look and to better understand transatlantic interactions between the EU and its Latin American partners.


Prof. Dr. Jesus Baigorri-Jalon is Former Associate Professor (now emeritus) at the Department of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Salamanca (Spain). Founding member of the Alfaqueque Research Group.

Prof. Dr. Jurgen Elvert is Jean Monnet Professor for European History and Professor of Modern History and History of European Integration at the University of Cologne (Germany).

Prof. Dr. Enrique Moradiellos-Garcia is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Extremadura (Spain). Director of the Jean Monnet Modules EU-HOPE & EU-HOPE+.







定價:100 4578
若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。



