Essentials of Educational Psychology + Mylab Education With Pearson Etext Access Card ― Big Ideas to Guide Effective Teaching
系列名:What's New in Ed Psych/ Tests & Measurements
出版社:Pearson College Div
作者:Jeanne Ellis Ormrod; Brett Jones
規格:27.3cm*21.6cm*1.9cm (高/寬/厚)
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Focused on the big ideas of education psychology, this text gives readers a practical understanding of the core concepts in educational psychology and of the research-based strategies needed to facilitate student learning and development.
While generally shorter than competing educational psychology textbooks, Essentials of Educational Psychology still provides a comprehensive overview of theories, research, and educational implications related to learning and cognition, motivation, child and adolescent development, instructional methods, classroom management, and assessment. Each chapter is organized around three to six Big Ideas, and each Big Idea is then divided into several more specific bold-faced principles or recommendations. Widely acclaimed for its conversational writing style, the book provides readers with a clear and easily understood picture of the psychological principles that impact teaching and learning. The Enhanced Pearson eText in Pearson MyLab Education includes dozens of hotlinks to illustrative classroom videos, animated video explanations of difficult concepts, interactive application exercises, self-check quizzes, and optional supplementary readings. Instructors have access to numerous supplementary materials to assist them in their instruction and assessments, including PowerPoint slides, an Instructor’s Manual and accompanying PowerPoint slides, and a Test Bank of multiple choice and short answer questions aligned with each chapter and Big Idea.
0134995201 / 9780134995205 Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching with MyLab Education with Enhanced Pearson eText, Access Card Package, 5th Edition
Package consists of:
- 0134523385 / 9780134523385 Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching, 5th Edition, MyLab Education with Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card
- 0134894987 / 9780134894980 Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching with MyLab Education with Enhanced Pearson eText, 5th Edition
Jeanne Ellis Ormrod received her AB in psychology from Brown University and her MS and PhD in educational psychology from The Pennsylvania State University. She earned licensure in school psychology through postdoctoral work at Temple University and the University of Colorado-Boulder and has worked as a middle school geography teacher and school psychologist. For 22 years, she was a faculty member at the University of Northern Colorado, where she taught undergraduate courses in educational psychology and graduate-level courses in human learning, assessment, and research methods. She has published and presented extensively on cognition and memory, cognitive development, instruction, and related topics but is probably best known for this book and four other textbooks: Human Learning (currently in its 7th edition); Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (currently in its 9th edition, now with Eric and Lynley Anderman as co-authors); Child Development and Education (co-authored with Teresa McDevitt, currently in its 6th edition); and Practical Research (co-authored with Paul Leedy, currently in its 11th edition).
Brett D. Jones is a Professor in the Educational Psychology Program within the School of Education at Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). He received his BAE in Architectural Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and his MA and PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. He has held faculty positions as an educational psychologist at Duke University, the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, and Virginia Tech. He has taught 24 different types of university courses related to motivation, cognition, and teaching strategies. Dr. Jones has also conducted workshops and invited presentations at several universities and has presented over 100 research papers at conferences. His research, which includes examining instructional methods that support students’ motivation and learning, has led to over 70 articles, several book chapters, and a two other books besides this book: Motivating Students by Design: Practical Strategies for Professors, and The Unintended Consequences Of High-Stakes Testing .