The Newman Lectures on Transport Phenomena

The Newman Lectures on Transport Phenomena


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Prof. Newman is considered one of the great chemical engineers of his time. His reputation derives from his mastery of all phases of the subject matter, his clarity of thought, and his ability to reduce complex problems to their essential core elements. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, Washington, DC, USA, and has won numerous national awards including every award offered by the Electrochemical Society, USA. His motto, as known by his colleagues, is "do it right the first time." He has been teaching undergraduate and graduate core subject courses at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), USA, since joining the faculty in 1966. His method is to write out, in long form, everything he expects to convey to his class on a subject on any given day. He has maintained and updated his lecture notes from notepad to computer throughout his career. This book is an exact reproduction of those notes.

This book demonstrates how to solve for the velocity profile of the classic problems of fluid mechanics, starting with Navier–Stokes equation. It explains when it is appropriate to simplify a problem by neglecting certain terms through proper dimensional analysis. It covers concepts such as basic relations of fluid mechanics, microscopic interpretation of fluxes, concentrations and velocities in mixtures, multicomponent diffusion, entropy production and implications for transport properties, Lighthill’s transformations, perturbation methods and the singular perturbation method, non-Newtonian fluids, natural convection, turbulent flow, and hydrodynamic stability. It presents numerous examples such as Stokes flow past a sphere, heat transfer in a pure fluid, flow to a rotating disk, mass transfer to a rotating disk, boundary layer on a flat plate, creeping flow past a sphere, mass transfer to the rear of a sphere, Graetz–Leveque problem, spin coating, and mass transfer in turbulent flow and turbulent boundary layers. It is as much a thesis on transport phenomena as it is in applied mathematics, and it amply arms any serious problem solver with the tools to address any problem.


John S. Newman is Charles W. Tobias Chair of Electrochemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), USA. Before joining UC Berkeley, he was a senior scientist and principal investigator at the Energy Technologies Area (ETA), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA. He received his BS degree from Northwestern University, Illinois, USA, and MS degree and PhD from UC Berkeley. He has been a recipient of the Onsager Professorship, 2002, of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. His current research focus is on analysis and design of electrochemical systems, with batteries and fuel cells receiving the most attention. He is the author of over 300 technical publications, numerous plenary and invited lectures, and the book Electrochemical Systems.

Vincent S. Battaglia is a research scientist and group lead of Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division of ETA. He received his BS degree in chemical engineering from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, and his MS degree and PhD in chemical engineering from UC Berkeley. He joined Argonne National Laboratory, Washington, DC, as a postdoctoral fellow and was later appointed as a chemical engineer, then technical coordinator for DOC PNGV office and coordinator of DOE VTO Battery Research there. He specializes in electrochemical energy storage and conversion and has received the Pacesetter Award from Argonne National Laboratory, the DOE R&D Award, the 2013 R&D 100 Award, and the FMC Corporation external research collaboration award.







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