Science, Technology, and Art in International Relations

Science, Technology, and Art in International Relations


:NT$ 2640 元
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This volume brings together two dozen original chapters that provide a unique examination of the issues of science, technology, and art in international relations.


J.P. Singh is Professor of Global Affairs and Cultural Studies at George Mason University. Singh has authored four monographs, edited three books, and published dozens of scholarly articles. His book Globalized Arts: The Entertainment Economy and Cultural Identity (Columbia, 2011) won the American Political Science Association’s award for best book in information technology and politics in 2012. His current book projects are: Sweet Talk: Racism and Collective Action in North-South Trade Negotiations (Stanford, forthcoming), and Development 2.0: How Technologies Can Foster Inclusivity in the Developing World (Oxford, forthcoming). He has advised international organizations such as UNESCO, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization, played a leadership role in several professional organizations, and served as Editor from 2006-09 and dramatically increased the impact of Review of Policy Research, the journal specializing in the politics and policy of science and technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Economy and Public Policy from the University of Southern California.

Madeline Carr is Senior Lecturer in International Politics and the Cyber Dimension at Aberystwyth University. Madeline joined the Department of International Politics in 2012 in order to develop the new Masters of the International Politics of the Internet. She has previously taught at the Australian National University, Newcastle University (Australia) and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan. Madeline has consulted on issues of cybersecurity and social networking technology to the Australian Army Joint Forces Command, Australian Senators Christine Milne and Scott Ludlum and a number of private sector organisations. She was nominated for a Vice Chancellor’s Award for best use of new media as a consequence of establishing the ANU as a remote hub for the United Nations Internet Governance Forum in 2011. Madeline coordinates the Cyber Connectivity Research Center at Aberystwyth which has been established to provide a focus for research into issues around International Politics and new technology.

Renee Marlin-Bennett is Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. She is the author of two books, Knowledge Power: Intellectual Property, Information, and Privacy (Lynne Rienner Publishers, May 2004) and Food Fights: International Regimes and the Politics of Agricultural Trade Disputes (Gordon & Breach, 1993; reissued by Routledge Revivals), and the editor of one, Alker and IR: Global Studies in an Interconnected World (Taylor and Francis, 2011). She has also published several articles and book chapters. She is currently the general editor of the International Studies Association's International Studies Compendium Project (Wiley Blackwell). From 1987 to 2007, she served on the faculty of International Relations at the School of International Service, American University, Washington, DC, USA. She earned her doctorate in political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her B.A. cum laude in international relations from Pomona College.







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