The Manual to Manhood ― How to Cook the Perfect Steak, Change a Tire, Impress a Girl & 97 Other Skills You Need to Survive

The Manual to Manhood ― How to Cook the Perfect Steak, Change a Tire, Impress a Girl & 97 Other Skills You Need to Survive


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There's a lot a young man in the making needs to succeed as he grows up and prepares to make his way in the world. Many important skills and character traits he should acquire he might not be quick to ask how to do because, well then, people would know he doesn't know what he is doing, just yet. For all the guys out there who want to have it all together, Jonathan Catherman offers this collection of one hundred step-by-step instructions on almost everything a guy needs to know, including how to; wear cologne correctly · grill a steak · tie a tie · manage money · talk to a girl · plan a date · write a résumé · ask for a reference · clean a bathroom · throw darts · change a tire · behave during a traffic stop · fold a shirt · clear a sink drain · find a stud in a wall. In fact, if it's in here, it's an important skill or character trait practiced by capable and confident men. With great illustrations and supporting social media, this all-in-one reference tool is the perfect gift for any guy's birthday, graduation, or just because you care that he becomes the best of men.


What matters most? My mentor asked me this same question. "That's what people really want to know about you," he told me. So what matters most to me? Well, here's my top-ten list.

1. My Faith - Daily I receive undeserved grace.
2. My Family - My bride is my best friend. Together we are raising our sons to be strong, brave, and of great courage. Our extended family is close. Most live on the West Coast while some of us call the South East home. 
3. My Friends - I've have many. They come in all faiths, shapes, sizes, colors, ages, and wages. 
4. My Time - Waste not, want not. This is the secret to not wishing, "If I only had more time!" 
5. My Grandpa Stensland's Books - I inherited his collection of Oswald Chambers' early works. These treasures are full of wisdom, humility, and power. 
6. My Grandpa Peters' Watch - The old Westclox Pocket Ben has kept time for over 60 years and reminds me to value every second spent together. 
7. My Grandmas' Quilts - Both grandmothers hand-stitched amazing quilts that are true works of art. 
8. My Library - Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. 
9. My Tools - According to my sons, I can fix anything but a broken heart. (refer back to #1)
10. My Tee-shirts - Nothing is more comfortable to me than a simple tee. 
Bonus. My Coffee - A good quad shot americano can be enjoyed with all of the above.

Learn more about me at 

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- Jonathan







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