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《棚車少年》第8季 讀“棚車少年”,感受經典幸福力 《#29 THE MYSTERY CRUISE 航海迷途》 奧登一家登上“西風號”,開始了他們期待已久的航海之旅!在“西風號”上他們認識了好多有意思的人——內斂謙遜的馬克斯、外向開朗的健身達人湯姆、美麗害羞神情慌張的希瑟、對“西風號”總有諸多挑剔的蘭德一家……大家好像都神秘莫測,令人琢磨不透。隨著航行的展開,船上狀況百出,發生了好多怪事。這些真的是意外嗎?還是有人刻意而為之?奧登兄妹決心要解開這一個又一個謎團…… 《#30 THE DISAPPEARING FRIEND MYSTERY 神秘消失的朋友》 奧登家的孩子準備和他們的新朋友貝絲一起為醫院修建新區籌款,他們發起了“棚車志愿者行動”——幫助社區里的鄰居照看小孩、做雜務、洗車……但是壞事總是在貝絲離開時發生,有時他們見到的貝絲又與他們最初認識的貝絲判若兩人,這一切事情的謎底是什麼? 《#31 THE MYSTERY OF THE SINGING GHOST 老屋鬼影》 大喬和艾麗斯決定在綠野鎮買下一棟幾十年都無人居住的老宅,奧登家的四個孩子幫他們打掃衛生。鄰居老爺爺法利先生告訴他們:多年前,住在這房子里的17歲女孩突然失蹤了,現在房子里經常鬧鬼。接下來的一周,樓上神秘的歌聲,壁櫥里憑空出現的玫瑰花,床上的復古連衣裙……難道,真的是失蹤女孩的鬼魂所為?孩子們能找到失蹤女孩嗎?快跟隨奧登四兄妹,一起去解開謎團吧! 《#32 THE MYSTERY IN THE SNOW 雪中疑影》 奧登家的四個孩子正在“雪域天國”中參加滑雪橇、溜冰、雪雕和冰雕比賽,他們無比快樂和興奮。可誰也想不到,有人竟偷走了“隊盒”中的鑰匙,扎破了爺爺的朋友默瑟先生的四個輪胎……破壞者意欲何為?






第一章 西風號 The West Wind

第二章 參觀 The Tour

第三章 新乘客 New Passengers

第四章 船上的麻煩 Trouble Aboard

第五章 大麻煩 More Trouble

第六章 圣胡安觀景 Sightseeing in San Juan

第七章 馬克斯的故事 Max’s Story

第八章 航行“延誤” Slowdown

第九章 坦白 The Guilty One Confesses

第十章 稻草市場 The Straw Market

第十一章 歸途 Sailing Home


第一章 新朋友 A New Friend

第二章 爭吵 Angry Words

第三章 冰激凌店 At the Ice Cream Parlor

第四章 棚車志愿者 The Boxcar Helpers

第五章 惡作劇 Mean Jokes

第六章 顏料腳印 Paint Footprints

第七章 貝絲消失了 Beth’s Disappearing Trick

第八章 貝絲的異常舉動 What’s Wrong with Beth?

第九章 貓和失蹤的鑰匙 Two Cats and a Key

第十章 不速之客 An Unexpected Customer

第十一章 最后一次機會 One Last Chance


第一章 老房子 The Old House

第二章 大掃除 Work! Work! Work!

第三章 神秘歌聲 The Singing

第四章 奇怪的爭論 The Argument

第五章 詭異的連衣裙 The Mysterious Dress

第六章 日記本 The Diary

第七章 簡姑婆的到來 Aunt Jane Arrives

第八章 失落的信紙 The Letter

第九章 后樓梯的秘密 The Back Stairs

第十章 西莉亞的行蹤 Where Is Celia?


第一章 爺爺的驚喜 Grandfather’s Surprise

第二章 丟失的鑰匙 Missing Keys

第三章 孩子們的小木屋 Their Own Little Cabin

第四章 漏氣的車胎 Flat Tires

第五章 謎案再現 A New Mystery

第六章 選拔賽 The Tryouts

第七章 比賽開始 The Competition Begins

第八章 被毀掉的雪人 Smashed Snowmen

第九章 腳印 Tracks

第十章 另一條線索 Another Clue

第十一章 從頭再來 A Fresh Start

第十二章 消失的滑雪板 Missing Skis

第十三章 疑點重重 Too Many Suspects

第十四章 意外連連 More Mischief

第十五章 解決方案 The Solution

第十六章 動機 The Motive

第十七章 贏家 The Winners


第二天,動物園里異常平靜。杰西心想,或許發生在動物們身上的一系列事情,都到此為止了。 接下來的一天也風平浪靜,那天下午,班尼說:“我們看看書吧。” “那會很有趣。”維莉說道,“我帶來的那本懸疑小說就快看完啦,真想知道結局是怎樣的。” 于是,他們來到戶外,亨利鋪開兩塊毯子。愛德華的后院里只有一棵很大的蘋果樹,樹上結滿了蘋果。陽光明媚,坐在樹蔭下,吃著清脆香甜的蘋果,讀著書,真是一件令人愜意的事情。最后,他們合上書,折好毯子。 快閉園時,孩子們決定去動物園。 穿過大門,他們看到了大衛。他正在給喬洗澡,喬是一頭大象。“嗨,小家伙們!”他笑著跟他們打了聲招呼,然后繼續干活。 喬溫馴地讓大衛用刷子給它擦洗。大象的全身布滿了肥皂泡,很快,喬就被包圍在一片白色之中了。 “看這個,”大衛咯咯地笑起來,他拿起一根管子,“它很喜歡沖水呢!”大衛開始往喬身上噴水,肥皂水順著它的身體兩側流下來,像白色的小溪一樣。喬揚起它的長鼻子,歡快地吹起類似喇叭的聲音。 最后,大衛卷起水管,走過來靠在圍欄上,“你們今天做了些什麼?”他問。 “大部分時間我們都在看書,吃蘋果。”班尼咧嘴笑了笑。 大衛點點頭,說:“聽起來像是一個很美好的午后。僅次于在這兒和動物們待在一起。” “大衛,”亨利問道,他的表情變得嚴肅起來,“動物園近來一直出現問題,你有什麼看法嗎?” 大衛眉頭微皺,搖搖頭:“我也希望我能知道其中的原因。如果這些可怕的事情繼續發生,我很擔心愛德華會因此而失去動物園。”他頓了頓,接著說,“昨天我看到海倫·布魯克斯又來這兒了。她問了我好多問題,但我一個字都沒透露。” “做得好!”杰西說道,“我就知道,她一直在等一個時機,能夠做出真正有毀滅性的事情的時機。” “我看見帕特和她說話了,”大衛繼續說道,“但是,我知道帕特也不會向她透露任何消息的。” 希望如此吧,杰西心里嘀咕著。 “還有沒有其他人在這兒晃悠,問問題?”維莉問道。 大衛聳了聳肩:“我沒注意。夏天一星期我只工作三天。”他笑著說,“我喜歡每天都和動物們待在一起。總有一天,”他宣布道,“我會成為一名真正的動物飼養員。” “大衛,那會是一份很棒的工作,”班尼說道,“或許我也會。” “那我們可以在同一家動物園里工作呢。”大衛開玩笑地說,“唉,”他嘆息著,“我真想繼續待在這兒,和你們聊天,不過我得回去工作了,帕特想讓我檢查一下棕熊。” 和喬道別后,奧登家的孩子們漫步到美洲豹區。他們看見一只美洲豹寶寶和它的媽媽正在玩耍。 突然,四聲鳴報聲響起,動物園要關門了。一個小男孩正騎在爸爸肩上,看著海貍,他叫道:“我還想再玩一會兒。” “兒子,我們還會再來的。”爸爸再三保證。 在他前面,一名男子推著輪椅,輪椅上坐著一位年長的老婦人,她的臉上露出愉快的笑意。 亨利心想:這就對了。愛德華的動物園必須一直開放,它帶給形形色色的人很多歡樂。 第二天清晨,孩子們打算早點兒去動物園,他們想空出下午的時間,因為爺爺要帶他們去看電影,吃冰激凌。那天,是愛德華開的園門,帕特來得晚一些。 他們一進動物園,就感覺不對勁。經過獅子區時,他們注意到獅子們焦躁不安,踱來踱去,不停地甩著鬃毛。 孩子們緊跟著愛德華,匆匆地來到鳥兒之家。“快看看我們的熱帶朋友怎么樣了。”愛德華邊說邊打開門。 金剛鸚鵡痛苦地叫喊著,綠色鸚鵡不停地咒罵著,但絕大多數的鳥兒們都非同尋常的安靜。許多鳥兒蜷縮在那里,一動不動。 “天哪,”杰西叫道,她兩手抓著胳膊,“這兒好冷啊!” “我也覺得很冷。”班尼大聲叫嚷著。 “加熱器被關上了!”愛德華喊道。他立即沖到對面的墻上,查看溫度計,緊接著又打開了加熱器。當他轉過身面對孩子們時,他的臉上浮現出一副怒氣沖沖的表情。 “這些鳥兒很可能會死的!”他大聲叫著,臉因憤怒而漲紅。隨后,他無助地甩甩手,“我們去檢查一下其他動物吧。” 果然不出所料,來自阿拉斯加的棕熊精神萎靡地靠在大石頭上,喘著粗氣。它們休息區內的空調被關上了。 愛德華從一個動物之家跑到另一個,給它們調節過高或過低的溫度。奧登家的孩子們則幫忙端來水,給那些因為不舒服而躺在地上的動物們。有些動物甚至連動都不能動了。 最后,所有的動物都被檢查了一遍,當它們漸漸恢復過來時,孩子們也感到輕松了許多。 “或許,我們應該和海倫·布魯克斯當面對質,要求她主動離開動物園!”維莉大聲叫道。 “還不能這樣,”杰西警告道,“如果她沒做過這些事,她會很高興聽到這些的。” “我們要做的就是睜大眼睛,如果看到任何可疑的事情,就立刻告訴愛德華。”亨利建議道。 “我討厭坐在這兒,等著事情發生。”維莉說道。 “但這是目前我們唯一能做的事了,”杰西承認道,“我比你更不喜歡這樣。” “咱們還是回家吧,”亨利說,“我們在這兒也幫不上什麼忙。愛德華在鳥兒之家,帕特一會兒就來。” 當孩子們離開時,一輛黑色轎車“嗖”的一聲加速離開了。 “那是什麼?”班尼說道,“他超速了!” “海倫·布魯克斯不是有一輛黑色轎車嗎?”杰西問道。 “是呀,”維莉緊接著說,“難道她又在監視?” 亨利搖搖頭:“我不這樣認為。我看見一個男人坐在駕駛座上。” 孩子們很困惑,你看看我,我看看你。這個謎團越來越難解了。 The next day was calm at the zoo. Maybe, Jessie thought, the strange things happening to the animals had stopped. On the afternoon of the second peaceful day, Benny said, “Let’s read our books.” “That would be fun,” Violet said. “I’m almost finished reading the mystery I brought with me and eager to see how it ends.” So they went outside and Henry spread out two blankets. There was only one tree in backyard, but it was a large apple tree and heavy with apples. It was pleasant to enjoy the shade on such a warm day, to eat crisp apples, and to read. At last they closed their books and folded their blankets. When they decided to visit the zoo, it was almost closing time. Going through the gate, they found David. He was giving Joe, the elephant, a bath. “Hi, Aldens,” he called with a smile, then returned to his work. Joe patiently allowed David to use a brush to scrub him. Making wide soapy circles in the leathery hide, David soon covered Joe in white. “Watch this,” David said, chuckling and picking up a hose. “He loves his shower!” He sprayed the elephant, causing the soap to run down Joe’s sides in white streams. Joe lifted his trunk and trumpeted his pleasure. At last David coiled up the hose and came over to lean on the fence. “What did you do today?” he asked. “Most of the day we read and ate apples,” Benny said, grinning. David nodded. “That sounds like a perfect afternoon. Second only to working here with the animals.” “David,” Henry asked, growing serious, “what do you think of what’s been happening at the zoo?” Frowning, David shook his head. “I wish I knew what was going on. If these awful things don’t stop, I’m afraid Edward might lose the zoo.” He paused. “I noticed Helen Brooks here again yesterday. She asked me a lot of questions, but I give her any information that would hurt Edward.” “Good!” Jessie said. “I know she’s waiting for a chance to find out something really damaging.” “I saw Pat talking to her,” David said, “but I know she didn’t give her any news, either.” I hope not, Jessie thought. “Has anyone else been around asking questions?” Violet asked. David shrugged. “Not that I noticed. I only work three days a week in the summer.” He smiled. “I’d like to work with the animals every day. Someday,” he announced, “I’m going to be a zookeeper.” “That would be a great job, David,” Benny said. “Maybe I’ll be one, too.” “We could work at the same zoo, Benny,” David said, teasing. “Well,” he sighed, “I’d like to stay and talk but I’d better get back to work. Pat wants me to check out the brown bears.” The Aldens strolled over to the leopards and watched a baby leopard playing with its mother. Four chimes sounded. The zoo was closing. One boy, sitting on his father’s shoulders watching the beavers, cried, “I don’t want to leave.” “We come back, son,” the father reassured him. A man pushed a wheelchair before him. In the chair was an elderly woman with a lovely smile on her face. Yes, Henry thought. Edward’s zoo had to stay open. It gave so much enjoyment to so many different kinds of people. In the morning the children planned to go to the zoo early. Edward was opening up that day and Pat was coming in later. They wanted their afternoon free, as Grandfather was taking them to a movie, then out for ice cream. As soon as they entered the gates, they knew something was wrong. Going by the lions, they noticed how restless they were and how they paced back and forth, shaking their manes. Hurriedly they followed Edward to the Bird House. “Let’s see how our tropical friends are doing,” Edward said, opening the door. The macaw screeched, and the green parrot scolded, but on the whole the birds were unusually quiet. Many were hunched over and didn’t move. “Oh,” Jessie cried, grabbing her arms, “it’s cold in here!” “I’m cold, too,” Benny exclaimed. “The heat’s off!” Edward shouted, racing to the opposite wall and checking the thermometer. Immediately he turned up the heat, and when he faced them, an angry expression crossed his face. “These birds could have died!” he said, his face red with fury. Helplessly he threw out his hands. “Let’s check the others.” Sure enough, the brown bears from Alaska were slumped against the rocks, panting. The air-conditioning in their glassed-in area had been turned off. Edward raced from one animal house to another, raising low temperatures and lowering high temperatures. The Aldens helped by bringing water to animals that were lying down, too uncomfortable to move. At last all the animals had been checked, and when they were at ease again, the children relaxed, too. “Maybe we should face Helen Brooks and ask her to leave the zoo alone!” Violet exclaimed. “Not yet,” Jessie cautioned. “If she isn’t the one doing these things, just love to hear about them.” “The best thing to do is keep our eyes open, and if we see anything suspicious, tell Edward,” Henry advised. “I hate to sit here and wait for things to happen,” Violet said. “It’s the only thing we can do right now,” Jessie admitted. “I don’t like it any better than you do.” “Let’s go home,” Henry said. “We can’t do any more here. Edward is in the Bird House and Pat will be coming soon.” As they left, a black car sped away. “Who was that?” Benny said. “He was speeding!” “Doesn Helen Brooks have a black car?” Jessie asked. “Yes,” Violet responded quietly. “Was she spying again?” Henry shook his head. “I don’t think so. A man was behind the wheel.” Puzzled, they glanced at one another. The mystery was becoming deeper and deeper.




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