Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace ― A Forensic and Epidemiological Analysis
出版社:CRC Pr I Llc
作者:Richard Graveling (EDT)
規格:22.9cm*15.2cm*1.3cm (高/寬/厚)
Whether you call them work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs), cumulative trauma disorders (CTDS), or occupational overuse syndromes (OOSs), they are a cause of injury to workers worldwide. These names indicate that their causes are related to work, butthe evidence can be unclear. There is a debate whether they are the result of heredity or the environment. This is important, when it's necessary to form a connection to obtain treatment or compensation. This book addresses the dilemma. It combines a critical assessment from epidemiological literature, with an exploration of scientific and medical evidence for possible causal mechanisms, to develop authoritative statements on causation.
Dr Richard Graveling - Principal Ergonomics Consultant
Dr Graveling has the benefit of over 35 years of experience of work as an ergonomist and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (of which he is currently Past President). He is a member of an IOM team which holds a contract with the European Parliament to provide independent expert advice on a variety of emerging issues in the field of Health and Safety at Work to its Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, has recently co-authored a report on the health and safety risks facing vulnerable groups of workers for this committee and is currently the project leader on further work relating to stress at work.
In his time at the IOM, musculoskeletal disorders, in particular back injuries from manual handling and work-related upper limb disorders, have formed a major focus of both his research (including studies into the epidemiology of both back pain and upper limb disorders) and consultancy activities.
All of this research experience underpins practical experience in advising companies on the identification and reduction of manual handling and ULD risk factors in the workplace. Previous clients include the Scottish Government, Scottish Ombudsman, Scottish Water, Chevron Oil, Cairn Energy, Rolls Royce, and many others.