An Intellectual History of China ― Knowledge, Thought, and Belief from the Seventh Through the Nineteenth Century

An Intellectual History of China ― Knowledge, Thought, and Belief from the Seventh Through the Nineteenth Century


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This is a translation not of the original two-volume Chinese edition, which runs to more than 1,400 pages, but of Zhaoguang's unpublished abbreviation, which is a mere 666 pages. This second volume contains chapter seven through twelve. The topics are Tang Dynasty thought: from unity to intellectual crisis from the middle seventh to the middle tenth centuries, from Song to Ming: the establishment of a new tradition from the middle 10th century to the end of the 16th, from Ming to Qing: from tianxia "All under Heaven" to the "Ten Thousand States" from the end of the 16th century to the end of the 19th, and from Ming to Qing: the Chinese intellectual world in the 18th and 19th centuries. Annotation ©2018 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (


Ge Zhaoguang is a Professor of History at Fudan University, Shanghai. He was the founder of Fudan’s National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies and served as its Director for six years. He is well known for his studies of Chinese history and the religious and intellectual history of ancient China. He has been a visiting professor at Kyoto University in Japan, City University of Hong Kong, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium and National Taiwan University. He was also appointed Princeton University Global Scholar for 2009-2010. Among his many Chinese publications are Zen Buddhism and Chinese Culture (1986), Taoism and Chinese Culture (1987), Ten Chinese Classic Canons (1993), Chinese Intellectual History, 2 volumes (1998 and 2000), Here in 'China' I Dwell (2011).

Josephine Chiu-Duke is an Associate Professor of Chinese Intellectual History in the Asian Studies Department of the University of British Columbia. She is the author of To Rebuild the Empire: Lu Chih’s Confucian Pragmatist Approach to the Mid-T'ang Predicament (2000) and the editor of a Chinese work entitled Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yu-sheng (2005). She has also published many articles in both English and Chinese on traditional Chinese women and contemporary Chinese thought.

Michael S. Duke is Professor Emeritus of Chinese and Comparative Literature from the Asian Studies Department of the University of British Columbia. He is the author of several books including Blooming and Contending (1985). He has also translated many modern Chinese works of fiction such as Raise the Red Lantern (1993), The Fat Years (2011) and co-translated with Timothy D. Baker, Cho-yun Hsu, China: A New Cultural History (2012).







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