Flying High ― Flying on an Airplane for the Very First Time

Flying High ― Flying on an Airplane for the Very First Time


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Lindie Lou is an adorable puppy who loves an adventure. She is named after her father, Lynwood Lou Peek-a-boo because they both have huge front paws. But, Lindie Lou looks just like her mother, Molly. They both have soft brown fur, long floppy ears, and big green eyes. Her owners, Joe and Sherry promised the puppy who looks the most like Molly to a family member who lives in the Emerald City. Lindie Lou’s adventures take her outside for the first time, to a museum with a ten-story slide, on a puppy play date with children from a local shelter, and on an airplane for the very first time. Come along for the ride while Lindie Lou learns life lessons, discovers what it’s like to find a best friend, flies above the clouds with a wise dog named Max, and arrives in the Emerald City.


Jeanne Bender has traveled the world with her puppy Lindie Lou. Together they've experienced many incredible adventures and learned life lessons along the way. Bender shares their stories in the Lindie Lou Adventure Series.Education Bender's writing talent was discovered early on when she received high praise for her poetry and early compositions. Bender continued to write, sharing her travel stories with friends and family. They encouraged her to put her adventures in book format. Bender hired a creative writing professor in Seattle, WA to help improve her writing skills. She continued her education in the UK at Oxford University. The first book in the Lindie Lou Adventure Series took three and a half years to write.Bender presently lives in Seattle, WA in the summer and San Diego, CA in the winter.Growing Up Bender grew up in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. She was the second oldest of eight children. Early on, she realized she loved animals and adventures. At the age of ten, was given the opportunity to hatch six gosling eggs in her family’s garage. They hatched successfully and followed Bender down the city streets. She never gave up her love for animals. She had several pets during her childhood years. After high school, Bender moved to Long Beach, CA to attend college. She was elected student body president and graduated with a degree in fashion merchandising.A few years later, Bender became a real estate broker in Pasadena, CA. Her career took off and she opened her own real estate company at the age of 25. Always looking for a challenge, Bender moved to Beverly Hills, CA. Within nine months, she was invited into the Leading Edge Society of Rodeo Realty, a division of Merrill Lynch Realty.Becoming a Writer Bender's education continued when she studied with a creative writing professor in Seattle, WA and in the UK at Oxford University.One day Bender was on the Internet looking for a puppy. She came across the cutest cocker spaniel she had ever seen. Bender called the owner and adopted the puppy. Her name was Lindie Lou. Lindie Lou flew from St. Louis to her new home in Seattle, where they met at the airport. Bender fell in love with Lindie Lou, the second she saw her cute face and big paws. Soon after they met, she decided to write stories about her life with Lindie Lou.The next step Bender knew writing made her happy and fulfilled. Once she decided to write the Lindie Lou Adventure Series, she knew she had to find an editor, graphic designer and an illustrator. She asked editor, Nancy Kiefer for help. Kiefer agreed to edit the Lindie Lou Adventure Series books. Illustrator, Kate Willows and graphic designer, Susan Harring also joined "Team Lindie Lou." GETTING PUBLISHED Bender and Kiefer spent many hours writing the Lindie Lou Adventure Series. The first book took three and a half years to finish. The second and third book took eight months each. They spent a lot of time working together long distance. Bender lives on the west coast (Seattle, Washington) and Kiefer lives in the Midwest (New London, Wisconsin.) Pina Publishing in Seattle, WA published all of the Lindie Lou Adventure Series books.







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