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本期《外語教育研究》專欄共刊發論文4篇,其中既有關於教師身份研究的綜述性論文,也有涉及教學法、學習動機的實證性論文,還有關於中日大學生寫作詞匯的對比分析,其不同視角和研究方法反映了當前外語教育研究的多樣化趨勢。《語言學研究》專欄共刊發論文8篇,分別對中國英語學習者英語學術寫作中外殼名詞的使用、基於語料庫的even if量級讓步條件構式的認知、辯論話語、文學作品中的請求和拒絕話語、隱性衝突話語等進行了研究,研究方法和視域更為豐富。《翻譯研究》專欄共刊發論文2篇,分別探討了莫言文學中的方言日譯和技術研討會口譯,順應了當前中外文化交流的潮流。《文化與文學研究》專欄共刊發論文7篇,分別涉及東亞、南美、歐洲、北美和中國的多部不同風格和類型的文學作品,既有關於作品思想的評論、語言的分析、藝術價值的探討,也有關於言語行為理論在文學作品研究中應用的述評,體現了文學研究與其他領域研究交叉的趨勢。《研究述評》專欄共刊發論文4篇,分別介紹了關於計算機輔助教學、語料庫文體學、漢語量詞語義學和詩歌翻譯的四本專著。


目 錄
001 國內教師身份研究三十年述評:問題與展望(1985-2016) 張建麗
013 “產出導向法”在大學英語教學中的應用 王嘉葳 張伶俐
024 工科大學生英語拓展課選課動機類型研究 李祥 孫奇鋒 許汪濤 盧敏
041 中日大學生英語寫作中詞匯複雜度對比分析 文珊珊
051 漢英A & B並列二項式詞序的認知研究 馬永田
063 中國學者英漢學術論文外殼名詞使用情況對比研究 陳勝男 胡志清
072 漢語對中國英語學習者英語學術寫作中外殼名詞使用的影響研究 伍斌 胡志清
083 基於語料庫的中外學術語篇中the-N-of結構裡外殼名詞的互動交際功能對比研究 田文文
094 基於語料庫的even if 量級讓步條件構式的認知研究 王磊 陸國君
103 情景語境理論下政治演講中的辯論話語研究 王婕
115 《小鎮疑雲》中請求和拒絕話語的社會語用研究 李莉
125 隱性衝突話語中的語用身份建構――以莎劇為例 範芳瑜
135 莫言文學中的方言日譯研究――以《紅高粱》日譯為例 李嘉琦 柯子刊
144 技術研討會口譯:挑戰與對策 齊濤雲
151 重新解讀阿富汗――《追風箏的人》對東方主義的有意識解構與無意識建構 胡曉鈺 樊葳葳
159 《百年孤獨》中亂倫現象的文學倫理學批評 吳君 郭晶晶
165 中心的消解與對立的顛覆――論《謄寫員巴特比》中隱藏的解構思想 賈金語 郭晶晶
172 《三四五區間的聯姻》中的權力話語機制 唐依琳 王群
178 言語行為理論在文學作品研究中的應用述評 ――以知網1987-2017年文獻為例 王孟 樊葳葳
187 《小熊維尼之道》與老莊人生哲學在英語世界的本土化 郭翠紅
193 人之孤獨,愛之無能――從《樹·石·雲》的敘事藝術談起 吳麗偉
202 《計算機輔助語言學習中的教師教育:從社會文化學和語言學視角》評介 孫雲梅 秦曦
206 J. M. Sinclair――語料庫文體學的播種者:《語言、話語與文體――J. M. Sinclair選集》述評 王豔偉
212 《漢語量詞的語義和語言相對論》評介 黃潔 付華
217 基於譯者主體性的翻譯詩歌探析――《翻譯詩學與意識形態》書評 徐鑫濤

Foreign Language Education
001 On Problems and Prospect of the Research on Domestic Teacher Identity from 1985 to 2016 Zhang Jianli
013 The Application of Production-Oriented Approach to College English Teaching Wang Jiawei Zhang Lingli
024 Motivation Types of Engineering Undergraduates in Selecting English Extended Courses Li Xiang Sun Qifeng Xu Wangtao Lu Min
041 Lexical Richness of Chinese and Japanese College Students' Writing: A Comparative Study Wen ShanshanLinguistic Studies
051 A Cognitive Approach to Word Order of A & B Coordinate Pairs in Chinese and English Ma Yongtian
063 A Comparative Study of Shell Noun Use in English and Chinese Research Articles of Applied Linguistics Chen Shengnan Hu Zhiqing
072 A Corpus Study of the Effect of Chinese on the Use of Shell Nouns in Chinese EFL Learners' English Academic Writing Wu Bin Hu Zhiqing
083 A Corpus-Based Study of Shell-Noun Interactional Function in the-N-of Structure in Chinese and Native Speakers' Published Articles Tian Wenwen
094 A Corpus-Based Study of “Even If” Scalar Concessive Conditional Construction Wang Lei Lu Guojun
103 A Comparative Study of Halliday's Context Theory in Political Debate Discourse Wang Jie
115 A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Making Requests and Refusals in Broadchurch Li Li
125 On the Construction of Pragmatic Identity in Implicit Conflict Talk―With Particular Reference to Shakespeare's Plays Fan Fangyu
Translation Studies
135 A Study of Dialects in Mo Yan's Literature Japanese Translation―A Case Study of Red Sorghum Li Jiaqi Ke Zikan
144 On Challenges of and Strategies for Interpreting of Technical Workshop Qi Taoyun
Culture and Literature Studies
151 Reinterpretation of Afghanistan―Concious Deconstruction and Unconcious Construction of Orientalism in The Kite Runner Hu Xiaoyu Fan Weiwei
159 Incest in One Hundred Years of Solitude: Ethical Literary Criticism Wu Jun Guo Jingjing
165 Dispelling of Center and Subversion of Confrontation―Analysis on the Hidden Ideas of Deconstruction in Bartleby the Scrivener Jia Jinyun Guo Jingjing
172 Mechanisms of Power and Discourse in The Marriages between Zones Three, Four and Five Tang Yiling Wang Qun
178 Review of Speech Act Theory Applying into Literary Works―Take the Literature of CNKI from 1987 to 2017 as an Example Wang Meng Fan Weiwei
187 The Tao of Pooh and the Localization of the Life Philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi in the English World Guo Cuihong
193 Loneliness of Human, Incompetence of Love: An Analysis through a Discussion of the Narrative Strategies in A Tree, A Stone, A Cloud Wu Liwei
Book Review
202 Review of Teacher Education in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Sociocultural and Linguistic Perspective Sun Yunmei Qin Xi
206 J. M. Sinclair―The Sower of Corpus Stylistics:A Review on Language, Discourse, Style: Selected Works of John McH. Sinclair Wang Yanwei
212 A Review of The Semantics of Chinese Classifiers and Linguistic Relativity Huang Jie Fu Hua
217 The Analysis of Poetry Translation from Subjectivity of Translators Based on Poetics of Translation and Ideology Xu Xintao目 錄
001 國內教師身份研究三十年述評:問題與展望(1985-2016) 張建麗
013 “產出導向法”在大學英語教學中的應用 王嘉葳 張伶俐
024 工科大學生英語拓展課選課動機類型研究 李祥 孫奇鋒 許汪濤 盧敏
041 中日大學生英語寫作中詞匯複雜度對比分析 文珊珊
051 漢英A & B並列二項式詞序的認知研究 馬永田
063 中國學者英漢學術論文外殼名詞使用情況對比研究 陳勝男 胡志清
072 漢語對中國英語學習者英語學術寫作中外殼名詞使用的影響研究 伍斌 胡志清
083 基於語料庫的中外學術語篇中the-N-of結構裡外殼名詞的互動交際功能對比研究 田文文
094 基於語料庫的even if 量級讓步條件構式的認知研究 王磊 陸國君
103 情景語境理論下政治演講中的辯論話語研究 王婕
115 《小鎮疑雲》中請求和拒絕話語的社會語用研究 李莉
125 隱性衝突話語中的語用身份建構――以莎劇為例 範芳瑜
135 莫言文學中的方言日譯研究――以《紅高粱》日譯為例 李嘉琦 柯子刊
144 技術研討會口譯:挑戰與對策 齊濤雲
151 重新解讀阿富汗――《追風箏的人》對東方主義的有意識解構與無意識建構 胡曉鈺 樊葳葳
159 《百年孤獨》中亂倫現象的文學倫理學批評 吳君 郭晶晶
165 中心的消解與對立的顛覆――論《謄寫員巴特比》中隱藏的解構思想 賈金語 郭晶晶
172 《三四五區間的聯姻》中的權力話語機制 唐依琳 王群
178 言語行為理論在文學作品研究中的應用述評 ――以知網1987-2017年文獻為例 王孟 樊葳葳
187 《小熊維尼之道》與老莊人生哲學在英語世界的本土化 郭翠紅
193 人之孤獨,愛之無能――從《樹·石·雲》的敘事藝術談起 吳麗偉
202 《計算機輔助語言學習中的教師教育:從社會文化學和語言學視角》評介 孫雲梅 秦曦
206 J. M. Sinclair――語料庫文體學的播種者:《語言、話語與文體――J. M. Sinclair選集》述評 王豔偉
212 《漢語量詞的語義和語言相對論》評介 黃潔 付華
217 基於譯者主體性的翻譯詩歌探析――《翻譯詩學與意識形態》書評 徐鑫濤

Foreign Language Education
001 On Problems and Prospect of the Research on Domestic Teacher Identity from 1985 to 2016 Zhang Jianli
013 The Application of Production-Oriented Approach to College English Teaching Wang Jiawei Zhang Lingli
024 Motivation Types of Engineering Undergraduates in Selecting English Extended Courses Li Xiang Sun Qifeng Xu Wangtao Lu Min
041 Lexical Richness of Chinese and Japanese College Students' Writing: A Comparative Study Wen ShanshanLinguistic Studies
051 A Cognitive Approach to Word Order of A & B Coordinate Pairs in Chinese and English Ma Yongtian
063 A Comparative Study of Shell Noun Use in English and Chinese Research Articles of Applied Linguistics Chen Shengnan Hu Zhiqing
072 A Corpus Study of the Effect of Chinese on the Use of Shell Nouns in Chinese EFL Learners' English Academic Writing Wu Bin Hu Zhiqing
083 A Corpus-Based Study of Shell-Noun Interactional Function in the-N-of Structure in Chinese and Native Speakers' Published Articles Tian Wenwen
094 A Corpus-Based Study of “Even If” Scalar Concessive Conditional Construction Wang Lei Lu Guojun
103 A Comparative Study of Halliday's Context Theory in Political Debate Discourse Wang Jie
115 A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Making Requests and Refusals in Broadchurch Li Li
125 On the Construction of Pragmatic Identity in Implicit Conflict Talk―With Particular Reference to Shakespeare's Plays Fan Fangyu
Translation Studies
135 A Study of Dialects in Mo Yan's Literature Japanese Translation―A Case Study of Red Sorghum Li Jiaqi Ke Zikan
144 On Challenges of and Strategies for Interpreting of Technical Workshop Qi Taoyun
Culture and Literature Studies
151 Reinterpretation of Afghanistan―Concious Deconstruction and Unconcious Construction of Orientalism in The Kite Runner Hu Xiaoyu Fan Weiwei
159 Incest in One Hundred Years of Solitude: Ethical Literary Criticism Wu Jun Guo Jingjing
165 Dispelling of Center and Subversion of Confrontation―Analysis on the Hidden Ideas of Deconstruction in Bartleby the Scrivener Jia Jinyun Guo Jingjing
172 Mechanisms of Power and Discourse in The Marriages between Zones Three, Four and Five Tang Yiling Wang Qun
178 Review of Speech Act Theory Applying into Literary Works―Take the Literature of CNKI from 1987 to 2017 as an Example Wang Meng Fan Weiwei
187 The Tao of Pooh and the Localization of the Life Philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi in the English World Guo Cuihong
193 Loneliness of Human, Incompetence of Love: An Analysis through a Discussion of the Narrative Strategies in A Tree, A Stone, A Cloud Wu Liwei
Book Review
202 Review of Teacher Education in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Sociocultural and Linguistic Perspective Sun Yunmei Qin Xi
206 J. M. Sinclair―The Sower of Corpus Stylistics:A Review on Language, Discourse, Style: Selected Works of John McH. Sinclair Wang Yanwei
212 A Review of The Semantics of Chinese Classifiers and Linguistic Relativity Huang Jie Fu Hua
217 The Analysis of Poetry Translation from Subjectivity of Translators Based on Poetics of Translation and Ideology Xu Xintao




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