Immigration, Free Movement of Persons, and Citizenship Law

Immigration, Free Movement of Persons, and Citizenship Law


:NT$ 11017 元
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Immigration and Citizenship Law is the first comprehensive statement of Irish Immigration, free movement, and citizenship law. It provides the practitioner with a clear overview of these areas of Irish law, and succinct analyses of the key legal issues, referring to reported and unreported decisions of the courts, legislation and administrative schemes. Key features:*Comprehensive yet easy-to-understand guide to Irish immigration and citizenship law, and EU free movement law in Ireland*Clearly explains the complex Irish law on visas and entry to the state*Clearly analyses and explains the complex case law on residency and deportation*Provides guidance on the case law on habeas corpus in immigration-related detention cases*Explains the operation of EU free movement law in Ireland in light of the key jurisprudence of the Court of Justice and Irish Superior Courts*Gives special consideration to cases relating to Irish citizen children of non-Irish national parents*Clear guide to Irish citizenship and naturalisation as an Irish citizen*Gives you confidence in Court as you can be sure of the relevant law*Gives you confidence in making administrative applications or drafting legal proceedings*Helps you avoid costly and time-wasting mistakesTable of contents:1 Introduction and Preliminary Matters2 Developments in the Law3 Irish Visas4 Entry to the State5 Residency and Permission to Be in the State6 Administrative Residency Schemes and Arrangements7 Statutory Residency Permissions Relating to International Protection8 Removal from the State under the Immigration Act 20039 Deportation from the State10 Non-Refoulement Considerations in the Deportation Process11 Family and Private Life Considerations in the Deportation Process12 Children?s Rights Considerations in the Deportation Process13 Amendment and Revocation of the Deportation Order14 Injunctions Restraining Deportation15 Transfer from the State of Applicants for International Protection16 Civil Enforcement Measures Relating to Entry to and Presence in the State17 Civil Enforcement Measures Relating to Removal, Deportation and Transfer18 Criminal Enforcement Measures Relating to Immigration Control19 Beneficiaries of EU Free Movement Law in Ireland20 Exit from and Entry to the State on the Basis of EU Free Movement Rights21 Right of Residence in the State on the Basis of EU Free Movement Rights22 Permanent Residence on the Basis of EU Free Movement Law Rights23 Expulsion, Exclusion and Other Restrictions on EU Free Movement Rights24 Procedural Safeguards for and Review of EU Free Movement Related Decisions25 Enforcement Measures Relating to EU Free Movement Rights, and Abuse of Rights26 ?Static? Irish Citizens and Third-Country National Family Members27 Irish Citizenship by Birth, by Entitlement and as Token of Honour28 Naturalisation as an Irish CitizenAppendicesA EU Legal Instruments Relating to Immigration and Irish Transposing MeasuresB Immigration-Related Matters Subject to the Special Rules for Judicial Review under Section 5 of the Illegal Immigrants (Trafficking) Act 2000C Visa Schemes and ArrangementsD Residency SchemesE Immigration StampsF Aliens Orders 1946 to 1999About the authorJohn Stanley is a Barrister and Deputy Chairperson of the International Protection Appeals Tribunal.

He has also been an Advisory Counsel with the Office of the Attorney General.







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