湖南安鄉縣庹家崗遺址2018年調查勘探報告 湖南省文物考古研究所(1)
湖北隨州市張家寨遺址新石器時代晚期遺存發掘簡報 湖北省文物考古研究所(13)
湖北老河口市上寨遺址2016年發掘簡報 河南大學歷史文化學院南京大學歷史學院(23)
絲綢之路南亞廊道雲南西南路段的初步調查與研究 雲南省文物考古研究所 北京大學文化遺產保護研究中心(45)
貴州納雍縣大墳山石板墓群發掘報告 貴州省文物考古研究所 納雍縣文物管理所(83)
滇西地區新石器文化分析 江章華(119)
成都寶墩遺址劉林盤地點古河道沉積物分析及其環境影響初探 黃 明 朱 誠 劉德成 何錕宇(139)
雲貴地區出土的漢代建築明器 江柏毅(153)
犍陀羅錫克裡塔及其浮雕板的原始次第 廖彩羽(179)
慶陽北石窟寺第165窟“騎象菩薩”題材考辨 ――兼談南北朝時期普賢菩薩信仰及造像 張雪芬(191)
從文字瓦看北朝隋唐時代造瓦手工業的工人身份變遷 呂 夢(207)
從紀年有字瓦看南詔城址的修築沿革 朱忠華(241)
緬甸古代的硬材質石珠與印章 芭比 坎貝爾 科勒 著 李 鈺 譯(257)
通過衛星遙感瞭解土地利用類型對遺址的影響――以成都平原為例 Andrew Womack(吳浩森)(285)
“成都平原先秦聚落變遷與水資源變化”學術沙龍紀要 李 蘭(293)
2018 Investigation and Prospecting Report of Tuojiagang Site, Anxiang, Hunan Hunan Institute of Archaeology(1)
A Preliminary Excavation Report on the Neolithic Remains in Zhangjiazhai Site, Suizhou, Hubei Hubei Institute of Archaeology(13)
A Brief Report on the Excavation of Shangzhai Site, Laohekou, Hubei, 2016 School of History and Culture, Henan University School of History, Nanjing University(23)
Preliminary Survey and Research on the Southwest Section of the South Asia Corridor on the Southwestern Silk Road in Yunnan Province Yunnan Institute of Archaeology Cultural Heritage Protection and Research Center, Peking University(45)
Excavation Report of the Slab-stone Tombs of Dafenshan Guizhou Institute of Archaeology Nayong Cultural Relics Management Office(83)
An Analysis of Neolithic Culture in Western Yunnan JiangZhanghua(119)
Sediment Analysis and Environmental Impact of Palaeochannel at the Liulinpan Locality of the Baodun Site, Chengdu Huang Ming Zhu Cheng Liu Decheng He Kunyu(139)
Han Dynasty Mingqi Pottery Buildings Unearthed in Yunnan and Guizhou Po-yi Chiang(153)
Gandhāran Sikri Stupa and its Reliefs' Original Sequence Leow Chai Yee(179)
Analysis of the Motif “Bodhisattva Riding Elephant” in No.165 Grotto of the North Grotto at Qingyang: A Discussion of the Belief and Sculptures of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva during the Northern and Southern Dynasties Zhang Xuefen(191)
The Transformation of Roof Tile Makers' Social Status from the Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties as Seen Reflected in Inscribed Tiles Lyu Meng(207)
The Original Built and Development of Nanzhao Cities in the View of Tiles with Chronological Inscription Zhu Zhonghua(241)
Ancient Hard Stone Beads and Seals of Myanmar Barbie Campbell Cole(257)
Understanding the Impact of Changing Land Use on Archaeological Sites Through Satellite Remote Sensing: An Example from the Chengdu Plain Andrew Womack(285)
Summary of “Change of Settlements and Water Resource in the Pre-Qin Chengdu Plain” Academic Workshop Li Lan(293)
湖南安鄉縣庹家崗遺址2018年調查勘探報告 湖南省文物考古研究所(1)
湖北隨州市張家寨遺址新石器時代晚期遺存發掘簡報 湖北省文物考古研究所(13)
湖北老河口市上寨遺址2016年發掘簡報 河南大學歷史文化學院南京大學歷史學院(23)
絲綢之路南亞廊道雲南西南路段的初步調查與研究 雲南省文物考古研究所 北京大學文化遺產保護研究中心(45)
貴州納雍縣大墳山石板墓群發掘報告 貴州省文物考古研究所 納雍縣文物管理所(83)
滇西地區新石器文化分析 江章華(119)
成都寶墩遺址劉林盤地點古河道沉積物分析及其環境影響初探 黃 明 朱 誠 劉德成 何錕宇(139)
雲貴地區出土的漢代建築明器 江柏毅(153)
犍陀羅錫克裡塔及其浮雕板的原始次第 廖彩羽(179)
慶陽北石窟寺第165窟“騎象菩薩”題材考辨 ――兼談南北朝時期普賢菩薩信仰及造像 張雪芬(191)
從文字瓦看北朝隋唐時代造瓦手工業的工人身份變遷 呂 夢(207)
從紀年有字瓦看南詔城址的修築沿革 朱忠華(241)
緬甸古代的硬材質石珠與印章 芭比 坎貝爾 科勒 著 李 鈺 譯(257)
通過衛星遙感瞭解土地利用類型對遺址的影響――以成都平原為例 Andrew Womack(吳浩森)(285)
“成都平原先秦聚落變遷與水資源變化”學術沙龍紀要 李 蘭(293)
2018 Investigation and Prospecting Report of Tuojiagang Site, Anxiang, Hunan Hunan Institute of Archaeology(1)
A Preliminary Excavation Report on the Neolithic Remains in Zhangjiazhai Site, Suizhou, Hubei Hubei Institute of Archaeology(13)
A Brief Report on the Excavation of Shangzhai Site, Laohekou, Hubei, 2016 School of History and Culture, Henan University School of History, Nanjing University(23)
Preliminary Survey and Research on the Southwest Section of the South Asia Corridor on the Southwestern Silk Road in Yunnan Province Yunnan Institute of Archaeology Cultural Heritage Protection and Research Center, Peking University(45)
Excavation Report of the Slab-stone Tombs of Dafenshan Guizhou Institute of Archaeology Nayong Cultural Relics Management Office(83)
An Analysis of Neolithic Culture in Western Yunnan JiangZhanghua(119)
Sediment Analysis and Environmental Impact of Palaeochannel at the Liulinpan Locality of the Baodun Site, Chengdu Huang Ming Zhu Cheng Liu Decheng He Kunyu(139)
Han Dynasty Mingqi Pottery Buildings Unearthed in Yunnan and Guizhou Po-yi Chiang(153)
Gandhāran Sikri Stupa and its Reliefs' Original Sequence Leow Chai Yee(179)
Analysis of the Motif “Bodhisattva Riding Elephant” in No.165 Grotto of the North Grotto at Qingyang: A Discussion of the Belief and Sculptures of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva during the Northern and Southern Dynasties Zhang Xuefen(191)
The Transformation of Roof Tile Makers' Social Status from the Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties as Seen Reflected in Inscribed Tiles Lyu Meng(207)
The Original Built and Development of Nanzhao Cities in the View of Tiles with Chronological Inscription Zhu Zhonghua(241)
Ancient Hard Stone Beads and Seals of Myanmar Barbie Campbell Cole(257)
Understanding the Impact of Changing Land Use on Archaeological Sites Through Satellite Remote Sensing: An Example from the Chengdu Plain Andrew Womack(285)
Summary of “Change of Settlements and Water Resource in the Pre-Qin Chengdu Plain” Academic Workshop Li Lan(293)
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