Homesteading for Beginners (2 Books in 1): Soap Making Business An easy Guide to Make Organic Soap at Your house, Discover the pleasure of Making Natu

Homesteading for Beginners (2 Books in 1): Soap Making Business An easy Guide to Make Organic Soap at Your house, Discover the pleasure of Making Natu


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You Are About To Discover Exactly How You Can Make Your DIY Soap, Knitted And Crocheted Items And More That Will Effectively Enable You To Bask In The Beauty Of Being Able To Make Items That You Can Use Around The House For Personal Care, Home Improvement Or For Commercial Purposes

Nothing beats the freedom of being able to make your own items around the house like soaps, bath bombs, knitted and crocheted items. I mean, you feel so confident that these high value skills can effectively enable you to save money that you would otherwise spend buying such items, can make custom items that you would ordinarily not even found anywhere else and more.

I know these and many others could be driving you to want to try these critical homesteading skills and are probably wondering...

Where do I start in my journey to building these skills?

What will I need to make my own soap?

What techniques will I need to master in soap making?

What about knitting and crocheting - where do I start?

How do I master these skills and avoid common beginner mistakes?

If you have these and other related questions, this 2 in 1 book is for you so keep reading. This mega bundle brings to you a collection of the best insights from different experts to help you understand and learn how to become self-reliant, happy and practical with some of the best skills in a homesteading lifestyle.

More specifically, you'll learn:

- What you need to know about soap making, including its essentials, methods, and safety precautions

- Why you need to make your own natural and organic soap

- What you need to consider while selecting your homemade soap recipe

- How to avoid the common mistakes in homemade soap making

- How to make your organic soaps more creative

- How to go about the curing and cutting cold process

- The best soap recipes to get started with

- How to use fragrance and essential oils to make your soap

- The ins and outs of bath bombs, including why you should create them, how to make them, preserve, package and use them

- How to get started with the perfect bath bomb recipes

- What it means to crochet and how you can benefit from the practice

- What you need to get started, including how to get started, basic stitches and how to create the best crotchet patterns

- The ins and outs of knitting, including the tools and materials you need to start knitting

- How to perform the different knitting techniques and styles

- How to avoid the common mistakes in knitting

...And much, much more

Yes, even if you consider yourself a complete beginner and are afraid that soap making, crocheting and knitting are too complicated, you will find this book helpful as it uses beginner friendly language that you can follow to bring what you learn to life.







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