Chakra Crystals: Why the Crystals Are Crucial for a Better Life and Why you Need to Know How to Use Them for Healing Your Body and Mind

Chakra Crystals: Why the Crystals Are Crucial for a Better Life and Why you Need to Know How to Use Them for Healing Your Body and Mind


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Are You Looking To Heal Your Body And Mind? Do You Want a Better Life?

In this book we will explore the continuity that our physical system forms with other higher energy systems. These subtle energy systems play an important and integrated role in the total functionality of the human being.

The physical organism, far from constituting a closed system in itself, is only one of the various systems that are part of a dynamic equilibrium. In particular, we deviate from conventional thinking when we postulate that all these systems are superimposed, coinciding in the same physical space.

These higher energy systems, which we have called our subtle bodies, are in fact constituted of matter whose frequency characteristics differ from those of our physical body.

As we commented, and assuming that nature becomes like a frozen light, it must plausibly have a characteristic frequency. The difference between physical and ethereal matter is only a matter of frequency.

We know, because it is a recognized principle in physics, that the energies of different frequencies can coexist in the same space without producing destructive interactions between them.

For a demonstration of that principle, it is enough to think about the salad of electromagnetic frequencies that the human being produces artificially, in the middle of which we live, bombarded day and night by radio and television wave emissions that cross our homes and our bodies.

That electromagnetic energy is imperceptible to our eyes and ears because their frequencies are far from the bands captured by our physical organs of perception.

You Will Learn:

  • How Crystals Works

  • Why It's Important To Choose the Correct Stone and for What Purpose

  • Understand How Programming Crystals

  • How Crystals Can Help You and Why

  • How Crystals Can Act for Your Body

  • Why Have Crystals Been So Successful

  • Discover How It's Important to Meditate Every Day to Improve Your Lif

Since the dawn of time, minerals have always been part of tradition and in many areas. Scientists, magicians, alchemists and doctors have never ceased to be interested and for many reasons, some use it to fight against the ills of their patients, others are persuaded of the miraculous virtues of some of them.

Ancient treatises on traditional medicine that deal with stones and their properties have been the source of many revelations for some researchers and have been the subject of various studies and applications. It emerges that lithotherapy, long criticized by many does not stop today to silence new followers. Scientists themselves recognize the multiple effects of stones in many fields and in particular on the energy system of man.

This book gives you all the advice that will allow you to find the stone best suited to your needs because each stone is a small transceiver of various vibrations that works continuously.

This book that will allow everyone to engage with enriching experiences. The stones will never cease to amaze us and reveal to us - in many areas - secrets hitherto unknown or jealously guarded by some who use them for personal ends.

Would You Like to Know More?

Take it now and start to use Crystals for Healing your body and mind.







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