Challenges of Globalization and Prospects for an Inter-Civilizational World Order

Challenges of Globalization and Prospects for an Inter-Civilizational World Order


:NT$ 8119 元
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Chapter 1 Introduction: Globalization and the Millennial Ascent of Individual Rights; Ino Rossi.- PART I. GLOBALIZATION AS A FIELD OF STUDY: CONCEPTUALIZING AND EXPLORING GLOBALIZATION: Introduction: Chapter 2. The Global Turn; Roland Robertson.- Chapter 3. Global Systemic Anthropology and the Analysis of Globalization; Jonathan Friedman.- Chapter4. Media, Sociocultural Change, and Meta-Culture; York Kautt.- Chapter 5. Globalization and the Challenge of the Anthropocene; Leslie Sklair.- Chapter 6. Conceptual Structures for a Theory of World Society; Rudolf Stichweh.- Chapter 7. Principles of Geo-Political Dynamics; Jonathan H. Turner.- Chapter 8. Transdisciplinarity in Globalization Research: The Global Studies Framework; Manfred B. Steger. PART: GLOBALIZATION PROCESSES: CULTURAL, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL: ON CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION: Chapter 9 Goals, Values, and Endemic Conflicts in the New Global Culture; Martin Albrow.- Chapter 10. The Affectual Landscape of Globalization: New Migration, Generalized Discontent, and Ressentiment; J顤g Drschmidt.- Chapter 11. Globalization, Cosmopolitanization, and a New Research Agenda; Joy Zhang.-. PART ON POLITICAL GLOBALIZATION: Chapter 12. Global Transformations in Polity, Policy, and Politics: World Polity, Europe, and the Nation-State; Didem Buhari Gulmez.- Chapter 13. The Politics of the Adjective Global: May's Global Britain and the 'New World'; Sabine Selchow.- Chapter 14. (Postmodern) Populism as a Trope for Contested Glocality; Barrie Axford.- Chapter 15. Globalization and the Rise of the Economic State: PRC and USA in Comparison; Guoguang Wu PART: ON ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION: Chapter 16. Trade Globalization and Its Consequences; Michael C. Dreiling.- Chapter 17. The Political Economy of the United States and the Structure of the Millennial World-System; Salvatore Babones.- Chapter 18. Global Inequality and Capitalist World-Economy, 1500-Present: A Critique of Neo-Modernization Theories; Sahan S. Karatasli.- Chapter 19. Mind the Gaps! Clustered Obstacles to Mobility in the Core/Periphery Hierarchy; Marilyn Grell-Brisk and Christopher Chase-Dunn.- Chapter 20. Global Inequality and Global Poverty; Robert Holton. PART: ON ECOLOGICAL GLOBALIZATION: Chapter 21. Reconfiguring Ecology in the Twenty-First-Century. Social Movements as Producers of the Global Age; Geoffrey Pleyers.- Chapter 22. Globalization, Marginalization, and the External Arena; Robert Schaeffer.- Chapter 23. Global Indigenism and the Web of Transnational Social Movements; Christopher Chase-Dunn, James Fenelon, Thomas D. Hall, Ian Breckenridge-Jackson, and Joel Herrera.- PART: GLOBALIZATION IN THE GLOBAL SOUTH: VIEWS FROM THE ASIA-PACIFIC: Globalization and Political Economy Chapter 24. Globalization in Asia or Asian Globalization?; Habibul Haque Khondker.- Chapter 25. China's Global Rise: From Socialist Self-reliance to the Embracement of Economic Globalization; Yin-wah Chu.- Chapter 26. The Newness of the Chinese Developmental State Under Xi's Administration; Falin Zhang.- Chapter 27. India's Transition: A New Complex of Capitalism and Hindu Nationalism; Anjan Chakrabarti, Anup Dhar, and Sayonee Majumdar.- Chapter 28. Socially Sustainable Globalization? The Domestic Politics of Globalization in Australia; Tom Conley. Part: Impact of Globalization on Culture.- Chapter 29. Neoliberalism Without Guarantees: The Glocality of Labor, Education, and Sport in Japan from the 1980s to the 2000s; Koji Kobayashi and Steven J. Jackson.- Chapter 30. "The Impact of Globalization on Chinese Culture and "Glocalized Practices" in China"; Ning Wang.- Chapter 31. Border-Crossing and Interfacing in Asia: Approaches, Patterns, and Consequences; Ming-Chang Tsai.- Chapter 32. Transformations in Kinship Relations i







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